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How to unfreeze a frozen condensate pipe if you have a condensing boiler

NRLA partner Your Repair explains what landlords can do to unfreeze a condensate pipe, if they have a condensing boiler.

Partners and Suppliers Mark McAuley 28/11/2023
How to unfreeze a frozen condensate pipe if you have a condensing boiler

Renters Reform: Amendments under the microscope

This week, MPs began the meticulous process of poring over the Renters (Reform) Bill in a line by line examination of the legislation. Samuel Leeson from the public affairs team looks at the key takeaways for landlords.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 24/11/2023
Renters Reform: Amendments under the microscope

December deadline for HMO council tax changes

New legislation regarding council tax and HMO properties will come into force in England next week, putting an end to the practice of disaggregating houses in multiple occupation and clarifying who is responsible for council tax.

Industry News James Wood 24/11/2023
December deadline for HMO council tax changes

The Autumn Statement: What it means for landlords

This week saw a big campaign win for the NRLA on Local Housing Allowance rates in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. But much more is needed to address the supply crisis and appeal to landlords ahead of a general election. NRLA Deputy Policy Director Meera Chindooroy explains more.

Industry News Meera Chindooroy 24/11/2023
The Autumn Statement: What it means for landlords

NRLA celebrates new awards success

The NRLA is celebrating new awards success, picking up three industry gongs at last night's Landlord Investment Show (LIS) Awards. Chief Executive Ben Beadle was named Industry Hero 2023, with the association also named Best Product for Landlords and Best Property Education Provider.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 23/11/2023
NRLA celebrates new awards success

Benefits win a gamechanger for vulnerable tenants – and the landlords who house them

Following a tireless campaign by the NRLA Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced he will reverse the unfair freeze on Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates. The association has been lobbying for change for a number of years with the call a key part of the NRLA’s submission to the Treasury ahead of this week's Autumn Statement.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 23/11/2023
Benefits win a gamechanger for vulnerable tenants – and the landlords who house them

Landlords welcome housing benefit change

Today, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt MP confirmed in the Autumn Statement that the Treasury will unfreeze Local Housing Allowance. This move follows extensive campaigning from the NRLA and other organisations.

Industry News Sam Hunter 22/11/2023
Landlords welcome housing benefit change

NRLA talks to Master of the Rolls on court reform

NRLA CEO Ben Beadle has spoken to the leaders of the justice system to discuss vital reforms; essential if landlords are to have faith in the courts in a post-section 21 world. Ben met with the office of the Master of the Rolls – the head of Civil Justice in England and Wales – and senior Judiciary as part of his position on the possession user group, to explain what landlords need a reformed courts system to look like, and how to get there.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 17/11/2023
NRLA talks to Master of the Rolls on court reform

Renters Reform: First evidence sessions as Bill hits committee stage

Today marks the end of week one in a series of evidence sessions that will be key to the future of the Government's Renters (Reform) Bill. Experts from across the private rented sector and beyond have addressed a cross party group of MPs on everything from pets to the possession process, each wanting to put their stamp on the final legislation. Samuel Leeson from the public affairs team looks at the key takeaways for landlords.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 17/11/2023
Renters Reform: First evidence sessions as Bill hits committee stage

New amendments proposed to the Renter’s Reform Bill

This week the Renters (Reform) Bill reached the Committee stage, and a number of proposed amendments to the Bill have been tabled. NRLA Head of Policy James Wood explains more about the proposed amendments, and the further amendments the NRLA would like to see in order to secure landlord confidence.

Industry News James Wood 17/11/2023
New amendments proposed to the Renter’s Reform Bill