Industry news
Renters’ Rights Bill will limit access to higher education
Planned reforms to the private rented sector will stifle access to higher education and limit social mobility.
Renters Rights Bill will limit access to higher education
Reforms to the private rented sector will make it harder to access university – limiting social mobility for swathes of students. The NRLA is leading a coalition of student housing providers and property portals issuing the warning as members of the House of Lords prepare to debate Renters’ Rights Bill today.
Landlord Michelle planning new charity venture
Landlord and letting agent Michelle Walker-Smith is eyeing her next charity venture after helping to raise more than £4,000 in November.
NRLA Research: New member survey launched
The NRLA is surveying members for its new Landlord Eye research report offering in-depth insight into the issues affecting you and your portfolio.
No punches pulled as Renters’ Rights Bill back in Lords
A hard-hitting briefing, outlining the potentially devastating consequences of the Renters’ Rights Bill has been issued to Peers ahead of Second Reading on Tuesday.
Call of the month: Proving right to rent
This month we advised one of our members with a query on the correct way to check a tenant’s right to rent, specifically regarding the documents tenant can show to their landlord and whether they could accept a Biometric Residence Permit.
Your training and events guide for February
Welcome to the latest update from our award-winning Training Academy. February sees a bumper 16 courses on offer with five events taking place around the country and online.
NRLA podcast: Leasehold and succession planning
In the latest episode of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords presenters NRLA CEO Ben Beadle and Richard Blanco take a look the issue of leasehold and the importance of succession planning.
Share your story to get your voice heard where it counts
Dedicated to representing landlords in both Westminster and Cardiff Bay, the NRLA is committed to championing landlords’ rights and promoting reform that is fair to both landlords and tenants. We are now asking for you to share your personal stories when it comes to the Renters' Rights Bill and how it will affect you and your business, to strengthen our arguments to Government.
Renters' Rights: A stick to beat us with?
Despite months of targeted campaigning, politicians are still failing to grasp the potentially devastating consequences of the Renters' Rights Bill on everything from the supply of homes to let to rent levels. NRLA Policy Director Chris Norris shares his thoughts on the challenges we have faced, and what needs to happen next to secure the future of the private rented sector for landlords and tenants alike.