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Rising mortgage payments leading to higher rents warn landlords

The NRLA has publicised Q3 data from research consultancy BVA/BDRC, which reveals that around two thirds of landlords expect to see their mortgage payments go up over the next 12 months.

Industry News Sam Hunter 20/12/2023
Rising mortgage payments leading to higher rents warn landlords

Episode 36 – An NRLA Christmas Special

In this episode of Listen Up Landlords, presenters NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle and Richard Blanco welcome a panel of guests to look back over the last 12 months and forward to 2024.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 19/12/2023
Episode 36 – An NRLA Christmas Special

Confidence growing in Wales as new year approaches

Operations manager for Wales Steve Bletsoe looks back on an eventful year for the Welsh private rented sector, and looks ahead to 2024.

Industry News Steven Bletsoe 18/12/2023
Confidence growing in Wales as new year approaches

Investment needed if courts are to improve

County courts in England are in desperate need of a cash injection to cope with demand, including the thousands of possession claims from landlords it deals with each year.  The NRLA has highlighted problems within the existing court system in response to a Government consultation on the issue.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 14/12/2023
Investment needed if courts are to improve

Rental reforms will fail without proper enforcement, warns PRS APPG

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Private Rented Sector has published views from across the market on the future of the UK's rental market.

Industry News Sam Hunter 12/12/2023
Rental reforms will fail without proper enforcement, warns PRS APPG

Time’s ticking: Make sure your MP doesn’t waste their opportunity to shape the future of the private rented sector

The Renters (Reform) Bill will reach its ‘report stage’ in the House of Commons in the New Year – the final chance for MPs to amend the Bill before it is passed to the House of Lords. Write to your MP to urge them to support our recommendations on how the Bill must be modified to safeguard the private rented sector.

Industry News Eleanor Bateman 13/12/2023
Time’s ticking: Make sure your MP doesn’t waste their opportunity to shape the future of the private rented sector

Timeline to net-zero: The four main deadlines every landlord needs to know

Mark McAuley of NRLA partner Your Repair explains more about energy efficiency targets, and four important deadlines private landlords need to be aware of.

Partners and Suppliers Mark McAuley 12/12/2023
Timeline to net-zero: The four main deadlines every landlord needs to know

Gas safety ruling all landlords need to know about

Industry News Sally Walmsley 08/12/2023
Gas safety ruling all landlords need to know about

Renters Reform: NRLA pushing for vital amendments to notice periods

Challenging proposals to allow tenants to give notice as soon as they take on a new tenancy will be a key part of the NRLA’s ongoing rental reform campaign. Under the current plans tenants will be allowed to give two months’ notice at any point during the tenancy, meaning tenants could sign an agreement then immediately give notice – a practice some landlords fear could turn the PRS into ‘Airbnb-lite’. NRLA Head of Policy James Wood takes a look at this and other amendments the NRLA is campaigning for.

Industry News James Wood 08/12/2023
Renters Reform: NRLA pushing for vital amendments to notice periods

Important update in Wales: Occupation contracts

Landlords in Wales need to update their occupation contract templates, after the Welsh Government amended the documents this week. The change was made on Wednesday (December 6) when the Welsh Government amended the explanatory information part of the contract. NRLA Head of Policy James Wood explains what you need to know.

Industry News James Wood 08/12/2023
Important update in Wales: Occupation contracts