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The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

Does your local authority tell tenants to wait for a bailiff? An update

Since the NRLA raised the issue of councils telling tenants to wait for the bailiffs when served with a Section 21 notice, we have been inundated with member stories. We have now submitted a list of local authorities to Government.

Industry News James Wood 02/02/2024
Does your local authority tell tenants to wait for a bailiff? An update

What lies ahead for landlords in Wales in 2024?

NRLA Wales Operations Manager discusses whether landlord confidence in Wales is on the rise, fourteen months on from the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act, and also discusses current consultations for landlords to be aware of.

Industry News Steven Bletsoe 01/02/2024
What lies ahead for landlords in Wales in 2024?

The Big Question: Do you hold group viewings?

With 11 tenants now competing for each rental property, we are asking whether you hold group viewings. We are collecting members' views as part of this month's Big Question feature for NRLA magazine, Property.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 01/02/2024
The Big Question: Do you hold group viewings?

Adapting rental homes - an invitation to join our focus groups

Over the coming years the private rented sector (PRS) will need to accommodate a growing number of tenants with accessibility needs. The NRLA is running online focus groups to find out more about landlords who have already adapted homes, and find out more about the barriers facing others.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 30/01/2024
Adapting rental homes - an invitation to join our focus groups

Title Guardian partners with the NRLA to protect landlords from property-related fraud

Today the NRLA publicises the launch of a new partnership with Title Guardian, the leading provider of smart property protection technology.

Partners and Suppliers NRLA Communications Team 29/01/2024
Title Guardian partners with the NRLA to protect landlords from property-related fraud

Landlords needed for Manchester focus groups

Landlords with properties in Greater Manchester are being invited to take part in two landlord focus groups on Andy Burnham’s Good Landlord Charter plans.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 28/01/2024
Landlords needed for Manchester focus groups

Adapted properties: Government urges landlords to share their experiences

As part of an ongoing inquiry looking at housing for disabled people, the parliamentary body responsible for scrutinising the Government's housing policy is asking landlords to share their experiences in providing adapted homes. Campaigns and Public Affairs Executive, Samuel Leeson, explains more.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 26/01/2024
Adapted properties: Government urges landlords to share their experiences

Landlords weigh in on the Property Portal

This blog post takes a deeper look into one of the key topics on Quarter 3 2023 In Focus. How comfortable are landlords with the idea of a Property Portal? What are some of the key concerns landlords have about an all-England portal? Landlords see the Property Portal as challenging the need for local selective licensing schemes.

Deep Insight Eddie Griffiths 26/01/2024
Landlords weigh in on the Property Portal

Critical changes proposed to the Renters (Reform) Bill

Following the publication of further amendments to the Renters (Reform) Bill, Senior Campaigns and Public Affairs Officer, Eleanor Bateman, takes a more detailed look at the changes to understand how they are likely to impact landlords, if accepted.

Industry News Eleanor Bateman 26/01/2024
Critical changes proposed to the Renters (Reform) Bill

Right to Rent fines to hit £20,000 from next month

Industry News Victoria Barker 19/01/2024
Right to Rent fines to hit £20,000 from next month