Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Green Homes Grant Scheme in urgent need of change say landlords

NRLA responds to concerns raised by the Environmental Audit Select Committee today on the Government's Green Homes Grant scheme.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 17/02/2021
Green Homes Grant Scheme in urgent need of change say landlords

Government needs to get a grip of Covid rent crisis

The Government needs to get a grip and do something about the debt crisis renters and landlords are now facing. A package of hardship loans and grants is needed as a matter of urgency.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 14/02/2021
Government needs to get a grip of Covid rent crisis

Renters Reform Bill- frequently asked questions

Industry News Victoria Barker 10/02/2021
Renters Reform Bill- frequently asked questions

Eviction surge warning unfounded, new data suggests

Warnings of a surge of evictions following the partial lifting of the repossessions ban in September last year have proved to be unfounded according to government figures released today.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 11/02/2021
Eviction surge warning unfounded, new data suggests

Welsh possession reform Bill approaches final hurdle

The Renting Homes (Amendment) Bill, which aims to give greater security of tenure to tenants, passed its penultimate hurdle in the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) yesterday.

Industry News Calum Davies 11/02/2021
Welsh possession reform Bill approaches final hurdle

Government announces £3.5 billion funding for removal of unsafe cladding

The Government will pay for the removal of unsafe cladding for leaseholders in high-rise residential buildings, the Housing Secretary announced today. Robert Jenrick MP confirmed that the cost of replacing unsafe cladding for leaseholders in residential buildings will be fully funded by the Government where the building is 18 metres and over, in England.

Industry News Victoria Barker 10/02/2021
Government announces £3.5 billion funding for removal of unsafe cladding

Capital gains tax hike would freeze rental market

PROPOSALS to increase Capital Gains Tax (CGT) would freeze the rental housing market making it less responsive to tenant demand.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 10/02/2021
Capital gains tax hike would freeze rental market

Budget calls: Financial package vital to tackle Covid rent debt

Calls for a financial package to tackle the rent debt crisis form the cornerstone of the NRLA submission to the Government ahead of the Budget. With 800 000 renters in rent arrears, and landlords struggling to cover the costs, the NRLAs budget calls focus on the immediate need for financial support for the sector.

Industry News Victoria Barker 05/02/2021
Budget calls: Financial package vital to tackle Covid rent debt

Renters' Reform Bill - get involved in our campaign

Over the past month, we have been running a series of interactive regional webinars for members to learn more about the Renters Reform Bill and specifically the NRLAs proposals for this.

Industry News Victoria Barker 02/02/2021
Renters' Reform Bill - get involved in our campaign

Renters Face Supply Crisis

The Chancellor needs to end a tax on new homes in the Budget or risk a supply crisis in the rental housing market landlords are warning. The NRLA is calling on the Chancellor to scrap the three per cent stamp duty levy on the purchase of homes to rent where landlords invest in properties that add to the net supply of housing.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 05/02/2021
Renters Face Supply Crisis