Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Brexit and Right to Rent: What landlords need to know

Ahead of the 31 December 2020, we wanted to remind members that Government guidance states that private landlords will need to carry out Right to Rent checks in the same way they do at present, until June 2021.

Industry News Victoria Barker 18/12/2020
Brexit and Right to Rent: What landlords need to know

Private landlords giving more support to tenants than social sector

Private landlords have been giving more help to tenants who cannot pay their rent as a result of Covid than those in the social sector according to the English Housing Survey, published today.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 17/12/2020
Private landlords giving more support to tenants than social sector

NRLA launches new Article 4 toolkit

A new toolkit to help landlords understand and respond to local Article 4 direction proposals has been launched exclusively for NRLA members.

Industry News Victoria Barker 15/12/2020
NRLA launches new Article 4 toolkit

NRLA calls for financial support for landlords and tenants in Select Committee session

NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle has called for a comprehensive package of financial support for the private rented sector while giving evidence to the Housing, Communities & Local Government Select Committee.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 15/12/2020
NRLA calls for financial support for landlords and tenants in Select Committee session

Wales enforces "winter truce"

The Welsh Government recently laid regulations to enforce the winter truce that bailiffs and High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEO) have been asked to follow over the Christmas period, from 11 December 2020 to 11 January 2021. In this blog NRLA Wales policy officer Calum Davies explains what landlords in Wales need to know.

Industry News Calum Davies 14/12/2020
Wales enforces "winter truce"

New How to Rent guide released by Government

A new 'How to Rent' guide has been released by Government - with landlords reminded they MUST serve this version at the start of any new tenancy or renewal. Rules were brought in five years ago making it mandatory for landlords to provide the latest version of 'How to rent: a checklist for renting in England' to their tenants when the first tenancy starts - and on renewal if there has been an update to the contents.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/12/2020
New How to Rent guide released by Government

Time for a fairer private rented sector, say Welsh landlords

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) Wales has released its manifesto for the forthcoming election, explaining that only when the private rented sector (PRS) is regarded as part of the solution to the housing crisis can landlords and tenants prosper.

Industry News Calum Davies 10/12/2020
Time for a fairer private rented sector, say Welsh landlords

Scotland tenant hardship loan fund launches

Tenants in Scotland who have been financially affected by Covid 19 will now be able to apply for interest free loans to pay off Covid related arrears.

Industry News Victoria Barker 09/12/2020
Scotland tenant hardship loan fund launches

LSE Covid research: Can you help?

Coronavirus and its impact on landlords and tenants, is the subject of a new study by researchers from the London School of Economics (LSE). The team will be looking at how the pandemic, in combination with policy and tax changes, is affecting the behaviour of individual private landlords and rents and conditions for tenants.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 08/12/2020
LSE Covid research: Can you help?

Queen's Speech: Section 21 WILL go

Industry News Sally Walmsley 19/12/2019
Queen's Speech: Section 21 WILL go