Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

NRLA calls on Welsh Government to get a grip on rent arrears

In the run-up to May's Welsh election, the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) have called on the Welsh Government to improve financial support and end restrictions that have plunged tenants and landlords into debt.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 09/03/2021
NRLA calls on Welsh Government to get a grip on rent arrears

Celebrating female landlords this International Women's Day 2021

In celebration of International Women's Day, we wanted to showcase a range of stories from female landlords from across our membership.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 08/03/2021
Celebrating female landlords this International Women's Day 2021

Budget: What it means for landlords

Despite some early speculation to the contrary, this week's Budget was a fairly neutral one for private landlords. Although the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, set out the beginnings of recovering Covid expenditure, individual landlords didn't see many changes to their tax burden. NRLA deputy director of policy and campaigns Meera Chindooroy writes about the key announcements.

Industry News Meera Chindooroy 05/03/2021
Budget: What it means for landlords

Chancellors words "ring hollow" for landlords and tenants

NRLA response to the Budget announced today by the Chancellor. Highlighting the urgent financial support which is needed for both landlords and tenants.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 03/03/2021
Chancellors words "ring hollow" for landlords and tenants

Welsh possession reform bill passes Senedd

The Senedd (Welsh Parliament) has approved a Bill designed to give tenants greater security of tenure, due to come into force in Spring 2022 as part of wholescale reform to the private rented sector.

Industry News Calum Davies 24/02/2021
Welsh possession reform bill passes Senedd

Landlords call for more support to boost energy efficiency

The tax system is in urgent need of reform to support energy improvements to rented housing. That is the call from the NRLA as the Chancellor prepares his Budget for the 3rd March.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 24/02/2021
Landlords call for more support to boost energy efficiency

Census 2021 launches this March

The NRLA is urging landlords to make sure they respond to the 2021 census which will run in March.

Industry News Victoria Barker 19/02/2021
Census 2021 launches this March

Pressure mounts on Government to resolve rent debt crisis

Following the announcement to extend the eviction ban on Sunday, it has been a busy week for the NRLA and the wider sector.

Industry News Victoria Barker 18/02/2021
Pressure mounts on Government to resolve rent debt crisis

Empty home levels hit a record high - so what can be done?

More than a quarter of a million homes in England are lying empty, despite record numbers of people being desperately in need of somewhere to live. There are now 268,385 long-term empty homes in England - up 20% on the previous year - with Government figures showing the numbers have gone up in nine out of 10 council areas.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 17/02/2021
Empty home levels hit a record high - so what can be done?

Chancellor must act to tackle rent debt crisis

A joint statement by The Big Issue Ride Out Recession Alliance, Crisis, Citizens Advice, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Money Advice Trust, The Mortgage Works, National Residential Landlords Association, Nationwide Building Society, Propertymark, StepChange Debt Charity and Shelter.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 18/02/2021
Chancellor must act to tackle rent debt crisis