Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

MPs call for urgent action on rent debts

The HCLG select committee published its report into the impact of Covid-19 on homelessness prevention and the PRS.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 01/04/2021
MPs call for urgent action on rent debts

Record growth as NRLA marks first anniversary

It is now 12 months since the NRLA came into being following last year's merger of the NLA and RLA. Chief executive Ben Beadle looks back on an unforgettable first year played out against the backdrop of a global pandemic.

Industry News Ben Beadle 01/04/2021
Record growth as NRLA marks first anniversary

NRLA responds to scrapping of Green Homes Grants

Following the government's decision to end the Green Homes Grant, the NRLA urges the government to adopt a more long-term approach to upgrading properties to meet its zero-carbon target by 2050.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 29/03/2021
NRLA responds to scrapping of Green Homes Grants

Covid one year on - Ministers failing to tackle rent debt crisis

One year on from the first ban on the repossession of rented homes, new analysis shows that more tenants are likely to lose their homes in the long term as a result.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 26/03/2021
Covid one year on - Ministers failing to tackle rent debt crisis

NRLA calls on local authorities to work with private landlords to close the adapted properties gap

Today the National Residential Landlords Association issues a call for greater co-operation between private landlords and local authorities to resolve the urgent need for more adapted private rented accommodation.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 23/03/2021
NRLA calls on local authorities to work with private landlords to close the adapted properties gap

Net zero Britain is impossible unless urgent action is taken warns Committee

The Government is failing to grasp the enormous challenge of decarbonising the UK's housing stock, the Environmental Audit Committee has today warned.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 22/03/2021
Net zero Britain is impossible unless urgent action is taken warns Committee

NRLA hits 90,000 membership milestone

The NRLA has hit a new milestone, reaching more than 90,000 members and associates.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 19/03/2021
NRLA hits 90,000 membership milestone

Welsh Government extend possession ban to end of June

The possession ban in Wales is to be extended from the end of March to 30 June, the Welsh Government have announced today.

Industry News Calum Davies 17/03/2021
Welsh Government extend possession ban to end of June

What you need to know about the eviction ban extension

The Government announced yesterday that both the ban on using bailiffs, and the longer notice periods for Section 21 and 8 will continue in the same form until the end of May. Senior policy officer James Wood explains what landlords need to know.

Industry News James Wood 11/03/2021
What you need to know about the eviction ban extension

Beginning of the end for emergency measures in the private rented sector

The NRLA responds to the latest Government announcement that current regulations restricting repossessions will be extended until the 31st May and then begin to taper of from the start of June

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 10/03/2021
Beginning of the end for emergency measures in the private rented sector