Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Government must use time to get rental reform right for landlords and tenants

Responding to the Government's commitment in the Queen's Speech to publish a White Paper later this year on reform of the rental sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association said:

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 11/05/2021
Government must use time to get rental reform right for landlords and tenants

Mental Health Awareness Week - thinking about your mental wellbeing

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and, with this in mind, the NRLA is reminding landlords to think about their mental wellbeing, and to reach out if they need help.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/05/2021
Mental Health Awareness Week - thinking about your mental wellbeing

NRLA reaches awards finals

The National Residential Landlord Association has reached the finals of two prestigious competitions celebrating the best of British trade associations.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 04/05/2021
NRLA reaches awards finals

Important update on Section 8 notices

The Government has introduced a new prescribed Section 8 Notice (Form 3) which will come into force on Tuesday 4 May. This document will be available on the government's website in the near future.

Industry News James Wood 30/04/2021
Important update on Section 8 notices

Emergency right to rent changes to end

Changes to right to rent checks, introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic will end next month. With infections rates now falling and the country opening up once again the emergency measures will end on May 16th and the original (pre-Covid) checks will need to be made.

Industry News James Wood 23/04/2021
Emergency right to rent changes to end

Government announces changes to Under 35 exceptions to Local Housing Allowance rate

In our blog following the budget, we announced that there will be changes to the under 35 exceptions, relating to the LHA rate, which will impact on both Local Housing Allowance and Universal Credit claimants.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 22/04/2021
Government announces changes to Under 35 exceptions to Local Housing Allowance rate

Roadmap out of Covid restrictions

This week, England enjoyed the second step of the UK Government's roadmap out of coronavirus restrictions, with outdoor dining allowed and non essential retail reopened. As restrictions on social contact and business activity begin to lift, the Government has also indicated that emergency measures in the private rented sector will start to taper off from 1 June, as long as there are no further setbacks in lifting lockdown measures.

Industry News Meera Chindooroy 16/04/2021
Roadmap out of Covid restrictions

NRLA Wales hustings highlights

On Thursday, NRLA Wales held its hustings ahead of the Senedd election in May. NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle hosted Labour's Mike Hedges MS, the Conservatives' Mark Isherwood MS, Plaid Cymru's Cllr Cefin Campbell, and the Liberal Democrats' Cllr Rodney Berman on the panel.

Industry News Calum Davies 12/04/2021
NRLA Wales hustings highlights

Khan's call for rent controls would leave London tenants worse off

Rent controls called for by Sadiq Khan would leave tenants across London worse off according to a new analysis published today.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 09/04/2021
Khan's call for rent controls would leave London tenants worse off

Rent guarantees could be key to encourage landlords to rent to Universal Credit claimants

A landmark study launched today explores ways to increase the willingness of landlords to rent to people receiving housing benefits.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 08/04/2021
Rent guarantees could be key to encourage landlords to rent to Universal Credit claimants