Welsh news

News relating to the Welsh private rented sector affecting landlords. 

How the next Welsh Government can better support landlords and tenants

In the second of our series of blogs focussing on our manifesto calls ahead of the Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament election, we look at support for landlords and tenants. The NRLA is conscious of the need for a balanced approach and a private rented sector that works for all.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 06/04/2021
How the next Welsh Government can better support landlords and tenants

Why the next Welsh Government should streamline licensing

Countdown to the Welsh election series - Our flagship call is for the current licensing system to be streamlined.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 30/03/2021
Why the next Welsh Government should streamline licensing

Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales

On the advent of the publication of the Welsh Government's Tackling fuel poverty 2021 to 2035, NRLA Wales have expressed disappointment over the lost opportunity to focus on improving the least fuel efficient dwellings and provide greater support to landlords.

Insights and Opinions Tim Thomas 08/03/2021
Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales

Welsh possession reform bill passes Senedd

The Senedd (Welsh Parliament) has approved a Bill designed to give tenants greater security of tenure, due to come into force in Spring 2022 as part of wholescale reform to the private rented sector.

Industry News Calum Davies 24/02/2021
Welsh possession reform bill passes Senedd

Welsh possession reform Bill approaches final hurdle

The Renting Homes (Amendment) Bill, which aims to give greater security of tenure to tenants, passed its penultimate hurdle in the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) yesterday.

Industry News Calum Davies 11/02/2021
Welsh possession reform Bill approaches final hurdle

The eviction ban: Yvonne's story

Landlord Yvonne bought a property in Conwy, North Wales 5 years ago. Prior to the pandemic hitting, there were no issues with the tenant. However, issues began to arise in March last year when the tenant suddenly stopped paying any rent.

Member Stories Rhianna Abrey 27/01/2021
The eviction ban: Yvonne's story

Rent Smart Wales fails accountability and transparency tests

An 'accountability deficit' exists within Rent Smart Wales, the nation's registration and licensing authority for the private rented sector, according to a report published by the NRLA today.

Industry News Calum Davies 11/01/2021
Rent Smart Wales fails accountability and transparency tests

Wales enforces "winter truce"

The Welsh Government recently laid regulations to enforce the winter truce that bailiffs and High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEO) have been asked to follow over the Christmas period, from 11 December 2020 to 11 January 2021. In this blog NRLA Wales policy officer Calum Davies explains what landlords in Wales need to know.

Industry News Calum Davies 14/12/2020
Wales enforces "winter truce"

NRLA Wales launches 2021 manifesto

This week NRLA Wales launched its manifesto ahead of the Welsh Parliament election next year. In this blog NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle writes about the NRLA's six key calls for the parties standing in the 2021 Welsh Parliament elections.

Insights and Opinions Ben Beadle 10/12/2020
NRLA Wales launches 2021 manifesto

Time for a fairer private rented sector, say Welsh landlords

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) Wales has released its manifesto for the forthcoming election, explaining that only when the private rented sector (PRS) is regarded as part of the solution to the housing crisis can landlords and tenants prosper.

Industry News Calum Davies 10/12/2020
Time for a fairer private rented sector, say Welsh landlords