Welsh news
News relating to the Welsh private rented sector affecting landlords.
Disappointment as six month notice period introduced in Wales
Landlords in Wales will need to give tenants six months notice when repossessing homes under new rules announced by the Welsh Government today in response to the coronavirus crisis.
Jarvis v Evans: Section 8 Notices and Unlicensed Landlords in Wales
The Court of Appeal gave judgment in the important Welsh case of Jarvis v Evans last week.Unlicensed landlords in Wales cannot serve a Section 8 or a Section 21 notice and need a (licensed) agent or solicitor to do this for them. In this blog, NRLA legal Counsel David Smith writes about the ruling and the implications for landlords in Wales.
Welsh Government to press on with reforming possession process
The process for reforming the possession process in Wales, which was put on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, is to resume the Welsh Government announced this week. In the blog, NRLA Wales policy officer Calum Davies writes about what landlords need to know.
Covid-19 impact on Welsh landlords: NRLA Wales addresses the Senedd
NRLA Wales policy officer Calum Davies gave evidence to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee inquiry into the impact of the coronavirus on housing this week. Giving evidence, Calum called for more support for landlords who find themselves shut out of government support schemes.
Welsh landlords invited to online forums
Landlords from across Wales have been invited to two online forums covering issues affecting the PRS during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Blog: NRLA Wales visit Cardiff job centre
At the beginning of March, before the lockdown was announced in England and Wales, our Wales policy officer, Tim Thomas, took up the opportunity to visit a job centre on Charles Street, Cardiff, a busy centre that serves the diverse needs of the Welsh capital. Here Tim writes about what he took away from the visit.