Welsh news

News relating to the Welsh private rented sector affecting landlords. 

BLOG: Senedd Committee considers amendments for possession reform Bill

Wales' Equality, Local Government, and Communities Committee considered amendments put forward to the Renting Homes (Amendment) Bill last week. The purpose of the Bill is to give private tenants in Wales 12-months security of tenure. In this blog NRLA policy officer Calum Davies writes about the amendments.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 03/12/2020
BLOG: Senedd Committee considers amendments for possession reform Bill

NRLA calls for Swansea additional licence postponement

City and County of Swansea will be pushing ahead with an additional licensing scheme for houses in multiple occupation (HMO) in the St Thomas electoral ward, and to renew the scheme in the Castle and Uplands wards, it has been announced.

Industry News Tim Thomas 10/11/2020
NRLA calls for Swansea additional licence postponement

Rent Smart Wales: Mandatory inspections introduced

Calum Davies, NRLA Wales policy and public affairs officer on the fifth anniversary of registration and licensing scheme Rent Smart Wales, and the new rules being introduced.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 30/10/2020
Rent Smart Wales: Mandatory inspections introduced

Wales heads for circuit breaker lockdown: New rules on viewings and house moves

A nationwide lockdown is returning to Wales following an announcement made today by First Minister Mark Drakeford MS, with some implications for the private rented sector (PRS) when it comes to house moves and viewings. The lockdown will come into force at 6pm on Friday 23 October and last until Monday 9 November.

Industry News Calum Davies 19/10/2020
Wales heads for circuit breaker lockdown: New rules on viewings and house moves

NRLA calls for Welsh Housing Survey

The NRLA Wales has today launched its campaign for political parties to commit to expanding the evidence base for housing by introducing a Welsh Housing Survey (WHS). The call comes as the Senedd is in the process of passing its fourth Bill affecting the private rented sector in six years without any comprehensive, government-commissioned data set for housing to support good policy making.

Industry News Calum Davies 19/10/2020
NRLA calls for Welsh Housing Survey

Blog: NRLA calls for Welsh Green Homes Grant

This month the Government introduced Green Homes Grants for homeowners and landlords, but these apply to England only. In this blog NRLA policy officer Tim Thomas writes about the support available for landlords in Wales.

Industry News Tim Thomas 16/10/2020
Blog: NRLA calls for Welsh Green Homes Grant

NRLA Victory as Welsh Government adopts possession reform recommendations

The NRLA is a step closer to securing changes to the possession reform Bill currently progressing through the Senedd after the Welsh Government accepted NRLA proposals.

Industry News Calum Davies 14/10/2020
NRLA Victory as Welsh Government adopts possession reform recommendations

Wales Tenancy Saver Loan scheme launches

The Welsh Governments Tenancy Saver Loans, which allows tenants to apply for low-interest, affordable, paid-to-landlord loans to cover their coronavirus-related arrears, launched today. The loan scheme is something the NRLA campaigned extensively for.

Industry News Calum Davies 07/10/2020
Wales Tenancy Saver Loan scheme launches

Second Senedd Committee in a week backs NRLA priorities

For the second time in a week, an influential parliamentary committee in Wales has made recommendations echoing some of the NRLA's key policy asks. NRLA public affairs and policy officer Calum Davies explains more.

Industry News Calum Davies 05/10/2020
Second Senedd Committee in a week backs NRLA priorities

BLOG: Housing high on the agenda as the Senedd returns

In its first week since the summer recess, the Welsh Parliament has seen the private rented sector (PRS) and housing take centre stage, at least for those who follow its proceedings closely. In this blog, NRLA policy officer Calum Davies explains more.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 17/09/2020
BLOG: Housing high on the agenda as the Senedd returns