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BLOG: 2021 is the year of the staycation - is it time to look at a furnished holiday let?

Mark Lee, a partner at professional services network EY explores the question of holiday lets - and what you need to consider before branching out into this type of rental.

Insights and Opinions Mark Lee 15/06/2021
BLOG: 2021 is the year of the staycation - is it time to look at a furnished holiday let?

What you need to know: Right to Rent for EU nationals after 30 June 2021

Eighteen months after leaving the European Union (EU), the Government has now published legislation covering how to check the right to rent status of people coming from the EU. Senior policy officer James Wood explains what landlords need to know about carrying out Right to Rent checks for EU nationals after 30 June 2021.

Industry News James Wood 11/06/2021
What you need to know: Right to Rent for EU nationals after 30 June 2021

NRLA invited to high level Government talks

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle has been invited to join Government discussions on plans for widespread reform of the PRS. The Government promised a white paper on its proposals for new legislation in this year's Queen's Speech, two years after it announced plans for a Renters' Reform Bill, which would see the abolition of Section 21 repossessions - so-called 'no fault' evictions.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 11/06/2021
NRLA invited to high level Government talks

Housing payments 'not fit for purpose' NRLA tells Government

NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle has called for an overhaul of local housing support in the PRS while giving evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee. Ben told the committee the Discretionary Housing Payment is not fit for purpose and said changes are needed to ensure Universal Credit works as intended.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/06/2021
Housing payments 'not fit for purpose' NRLA tells Government

Blog: Adapted and accessible properties - the next big opportunity in the PRS?

Liberty Bollen from accessible housing provider Abode Impact on the increasing demand for adapted homes.

Insights and Opinions Liberty Bollen 10/06/2021
Blog: Adapted and accessible properties - the next big opportunity in the PRS?

Photographic Evidence in Tenancy Deposits - How to get it right

At the end of a tenancy, it can be difficult to prove how much deterioration or damage has been caused to a property. Whilst an inventory report can offer a good comparison between the start and end of tenancy, in-depth detail may be missing on the disputed area of concern which can cause difficulty when dealing with tenancy deposit disputes. Here, Michael Hill of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) explains more about getting photographic evidence right.

Insights and Opinions Michael Hill 09/06/2021
Photographic Evidence in Tenancy Deposits - How to get it right

Call of the Week: Household pests

This week we were able to help one of our members with a pest problem at their property and how they should go about dealing with it. With the summer well and truly here, the hot weather can increase the likeliness of certain pests such as flies and wasps making an appearance.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 08/06/2021
Call of the Week: Household pests

Make your voice heard in new Welsh tenancies consultation

In this final blog in a series focusing on the new kind of tenancy agreements being brought in next year by the Welsh Government, the NRLA explains what a supplementary term means in these agreements will mean and how landlords use them.

Helpful Tips Calum Davies 08/06/2021
Make your voice heard in new Welsh tenancies consultation

Blog: Rental reform is coming - now is not the time to bury your head in the sand

Paul Shamplina of Landlord Action on the Government's planned changes and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 07/06/2021
Blog: Rental reform is coming - now is not the time to bury your head in the sand

Buy-to-let market update June 2021

Welcome to Buy to Let Market, a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets. Written by Doug Hall, of NRLA mortgage partners 3mc.

Insights and Opinions Doug Hall 02/06/2021
Buy-to-let market update June 2021