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NRLA Welsh Enforcement Index Reveals Licensing Postcode Lottery

The National Residential Landlords Association's (NRLA) Welsh Enforcement Index, reveals an enforcement postcode lottery across Wales.

Industry News Sam Hunter 21/05/2021
NRLA Welsh Enforcement Index Reveals Licensing Postcode Lottery

The Welsh Enforcement Index

In late 2020, the NRLA (National Residential Landlords Association) Research Observatory began to collect data and evidence on how enforcement powers available to Welsh local authorities were being deployed in the Private Rented Sector (PRS). This study focuses on mandatory and discretionary licensing in Wales. Is the enforcement of existing regulations in Wales truly efficient, effective and economic?

Special Report Aidan Crehan 21/05/2021
The Welsh Enforcement Index

Landlords back call for reform to CGT payment rules

Responding to a report published this afternoon by the Office for Tax Simplification (OTS) which recommends that the Government should extend the deadline for the payment of Capital Gains Tax from 30 to 60 days following disposal of a residential property, Chris Norris, Policy Director for the National Residential Landlords Association said:

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 20/05/2021
Landlords back call for reform to CGT payment rules

Renters leaving the capital as rent continues to fall

Private sector tenants are leaving London in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 19/05/2021
Renters leaving the capital as rent continues to fall

Blog: With rising numbers of renters in later life, can you afford not to adapt your rentals?

Henry Smith, Senior Programme Manager for Homes at the Centre for Ageing Better on why landlords should consider the needs of older renters.

Insights and Opinions Henry Smith 18/05/2021
Blog: With rising numbers of renters in later life, can you afford not to adapt your rentals?

Research Webinar - April 2021

This research webinar introduced our recently awarded MRS Company Partner accreditation. Recent trends in landlord confidence were presented along with key findings from recent quarterly surveys. The presentation also reviewed other recent research - such as that in Wales and London. Finally the presentation previewed forthcoming research, including a collaboration with the LSE.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 18/05/2021
Research Webinar - April 2021

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.9: 2021 Q1

The 2021 Qtr1 survey shows a marked upturn in confidence from the previous quarter. Confidence is increasing across England and Wales: in London however, the increase could at best be described as marginal. Both the West Midalnds and the South West have seen surges in confidence. Over 85% of landlords reported as either having frozen or reduced rents over the last twelve months.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 18/05/2021
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.9: 2021 Q1

Welsh Government must address rent crisis

The pandemic-related debts of tenants and landlords should be 'top of the Housing Minister's in-tray", according to the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) following the formation of a new Welsh Government.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 17/05/2021
Welsh Government must address rent crisis

Where to start with: Gaining access

Helpful Tips Victoria Barker 12/05/2021
Where to start with: Gaining access

What does the Welsh election result mean for the sector?

Last week, the people of Wales went to the polls to elect members to the Sixth Senedd. The next day, a three-party system had emerged, with a third of MSs making their debut in the legislature.

Industry News Calum Davies 14/05/2021
What does the Welsh election result mean for the sector?