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What you need to know: Possessions update for England

The Government has made a series of welcome announcements around possession in the private rented sector. The updates are wide ranging and generally very positive, reflecting the roadmap that the NRLA had suggested as a measured and reasonable way to return to the norm without over-stretching the courts.

Insights and Opinions James Wood 14/05/2021
What you need to know: Possessions update for England

Mental health awareness week: Breathing spaces and mental health

Landlords and tenants have been put under significant pressure during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many have lost income and some lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic, causing significant stress which is in turn impacting their mental health.

Helpful Tips Rhianna Abrey 14/05/2021
Mental health awareness week: Breathing spaces and mental health

Queen's Speech: what next for rental reform?

This week's Queen's Speech announced a white paper outlining the Government's proposals ahead of legislation to reform the private rented sector. The white paper will come two years after it was originally announced that the Renters' Reform Bill would be introduced and Section 21 evictions abolished in the 2019 Queen's Speech.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 13/05/2021
Queen's Speech: what next for rental reform?

Call of the Week: Right to Rent checks

A member got in touch with our expert advice team recently with a question about Right to Rent checks. They understood changes are on the way, and with penalties high for getting such checks wrong, they wanted to learn more about exactly how they should carry out Right to Rent checks in the future.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 13/05/2021
Call of the Week: Right to Rent checks

Wear and tear-is it fair?

This guide provided by NRLA partners My Deposits covers what landlords need to know about fair wear, including whether damage to the property falls under the umbrella of the term. Learn more about what is considered normal wear and tear in a rental property, and keeping wear and tear to a minimum.

Partners and Suppliers Suzy Hershman 10/05/2021
Wear and tear-is it fair?

Chancellor needs to address rent debt crisis as rental market restrictions are eased

Responding to confirmation by the Government today of its plans to taper down emergency restrictions in the private rented sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association said:

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 12/05/2021
Chancellor needs to address rent debt crisis as rental market restrictions are eased

Right to rent transition period extended

Changes to right to rent checks, introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic will remain in place until  June 21. Emergency measures, introduced in March last year to minimise face-to-face contact, were due to end on Sunday - but the Government has announced they will be extended to give landlords more time to adjust.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/05/2021
Right to rent transition period extended

Government must use time to get rental reform right for landlords and tenants

Responding to the Government's commitment in the Queen's Speech to publish a White Paper later this year on reform of the rental sector, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association said:

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 11/05/2021
Government must use time to get rental reform right for landlords and tenants

Mental Health Awareness Week - thinking about your mental wellbeing

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and, with this in mind, the NRLA is reminding landlords to think about their mental wellbeing, and to reach out if they need help.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/05/2021
Mental Health Awareness Week - thinking about your mental wellbeing

Call of the Week: Deposits and the Tenant Fees Act

A landlord gave our expert advice team a call recently with a question about deposits and a prospective tenant who has a cat. They are aware that the rules around deposits have changed since 2016, and gave our advice team a call to double check the amount of deposit they'd be able to charge, since they are keen to re-let the property to the new tenant from June.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 07/05/2021
Call of the Week: Deposits and the Tenant Fees Act