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The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

NRLA scoops top industry awards

NRLA members’ magazine Property has been named Best Magazine at the National Association Awards, with the association scooping silver in the Best Membership Organisation category.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 30/07/2021
NRLA scoops top industry awards

Energy efficiency support failing to help most in need

Just five per cent of private rented households have received government help to fund energy efficiency measures despite having the greatest need.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 26/07/2021
Energy efficiency support failing to help most in need

There is light at the end of every tunnel

Mike Morgan, legal division manager at Hamilton Fraser writes about the benefits of mediation.

Insights and Opinions Mike Morgan 20/07/2021
There is light at the end of every tunnel

New 'easy to read' How to Rent guide released by Government

A new 'easy read' version of the 'How to Rent' guide has been released by Government.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 23/07/2021
New 'easy to read' How to Rent guide released by Government

EWS1 forms to be scrapped for buildings under 18 metres

Plans to end the need for EWS1 forms on buildings below 18 meters were outlined by the Government this week.

Industry News Victoria Barker 22/07/2021
EWS1 forms to be scrapped for buildings under 18 metres

Welsh Government scheme to pay off Covid arrears launches

A new scheme supporting private tenants in Wales to pay off Covid-related arrears was launched by the Welsh Government this week.

Industry News Victoria Barker 15/07/2021
Welsh Government scheme to pay off Covid arrears launches

Call of the Week: Smart Meters

Our advice team recently helped a landlord who had been approached by their tenant, because they wanted to install a smart meter at the rental property. They were looking for some best practice guidance for this scenario and some more information on the different types of smart meters.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 15/07/2021
Call of the Week: Smart Meters

Private rents falling in real terms says new data

RENTS paid by private tenants across the UK are falling in real terms according to official data published today.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 14/07/2021
Private rents falling in real terms says new data

Where to start with: Gardening responsibilities

If you have a garden at your rental property, chances are your tenants have been making the most of it with the recent heatwave. But, when it comes to keeping the garden in good shape, who is responsible, the tenant or the landlord? In this blog we take a closer look at gardening responsibilities.

Helpful Tips Victoria Barker 14/07/2021
Where to start with: Gardening responsibilities

In Focus (2021 Qtr 1): Universal Credit, welfare & debt

Every quarter the NRLA ask landlords about how policy is impacting on their property business.The Quarter 1 survey focuses on some of the key issues surrounding Universal Credit and welfare. Landlords were also asked about debt management.

Quarterly Report Aidan Crehan 02/07/2021
In Focus (2021 Qtr 1): Universal Credit, welfare & debt