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Keep the lifeline - open letter to the Prime Minister

100 organisations across the UK including the NRLA, have joined together in urging the Government not to go ahead with the planned £20-a-week cut to Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 02/09/2021
Keep the lifeline - open letter to the Prime Minister

Afghan resettlement scheme: Landlords with empty homes urged to help

Landlords with vacant properties are being urged to work with councils to help refugees who need to be urgently re-housed in the UK.

Industry News Victoria Barker 01/09/2021
Afghan resettlement scheme: Landlords with empty homes urged to help

Right to Rent: New extension to emergency measures

Temporary changes to Right to Rent, introduced to minimise face-to-face contact, will remain in place until April 2022, the Government has announced.

Industry News Victoria Barker 26/08/2021
Right to Rent: New extension to emergency measures

Chronic failure to tackle rogue landlords puts tenants at risk

The Government needs to address a chronic failure to tackle rogue landlords who put tenants at risk, says the national body representing landlords.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 24/08/2021
Chronic failure to tackle rogue landlords puts tenants at risk

Are your tenants asking you for breathing space?

Insights and Opinions Mike Morgan 24/08/2021
Are your tenants asking you for breathing space?

Demand for rental housing at a five year high

The demand for private rented housing has reached a five year high according to new research released by the National Residential Landlords Association following the easing of COVID restrictions.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 20/08/2021
Demand for rental housing at a five year high

Q&A: Get to know NRLA adviser Sam

Our Meet the Adviser blog series is the place where you can get to know some of our advisers as part of our expert advice team a little better. Our advice team is on hand six days a week to help members with a whole host of queries. In this blog, we meet experienced adviser Sam.

Helpful Tips Victoria Barker 02/08/2021
Q&A: Get to know NRLA adviser Sam

Welsh landlords urged to participate in NRLA survey on Senedd priorities

NRLA Wales is urgently calling on Welsh landlords to respond to a new survey on what the Senedd's Local Government and Housing Committee's priorities should be over the next twelve to eighteen months.

Industry News Tim Thomas 18/08/2021
Welsh landlords urged to participate in NRLA survey on Senedd priorities

I've helped my wife, and now I want to help others - a landlord's mission to provide more adapted rental properties

Paul is a landlord based in Teesside, North East England. Paul owned a contracting company that he closed at the end of 2008 due to the global recession. Following this he was able to enter the private rented sector as a landlord.

Member Stories Rhianna Abrey 17/08/2021
I've helped my wife, and now I want to help others - a landlord's mission to provide more adapted rental properties

Warning issued over impact of benefit cuts on renters

The UK Government must complete and publish a full assessment of the impact on renters of their decisions to freeze Local Housing Allowance and cut Universal Credit, which risk pushing many households into poverty, problem debt, and homelessness.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 17/08/2021
Warning issued over impact of benefit cuts on renters