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Leasehold reform: Has the legislation lost its way?
With reports the Treasury and Number 10 are blocking the introduction of peppercorn round rents over fears of the impact on pension funds, we ask whether the Bill will go far enough to support the leaseholders it was designed to help.
Ofgem exploring registration plans
Ofgem has revealed it’s looking at plans to introduce a registration scheme for landlords who provide heat and hot water to more than two households in their rental properties.
NRLA podcast: New research on landlords and the economy and change on the way for EPCs
In this episode of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords presenters NRLA CEO Ben Beadle and Richard Blanco examine new research on landlords' contribution to the UK economy and changes to the way EPC inspections will be carried out.
In pictures: NRLA on Tour Durham event
It was a full house at the NRLA's on Tour event in Durham this week.
NRLA backs calls for annual review of housing benefits
Plans for an annual review matching housing benefits to real-life rents have been put forward by a Parliamentary committee, mirroring calls from the NRLA.
Almost 400,000 UK jobs rely on the private rented sector – it’s vital landlords get the support they need
New research shows smaller landlords in the UK’s private rented sector contribute a huge £45 billion to the UK economy and are responsible for supporting more than 390,000 jobs.
Debt Awareness Week 2024: Support for those in the private rented sector
The annual Debt Awareness Week campaign, organised by charity StepChange, takes place next week, with landlords encouraged to support tenants if they are facing financial difficulties.The campaign, now in its 10th year, has a focus this year of supporting people to get debt advice.
Are more landlords selling up? Evidence from the courts
The question of whether landlords are exiting the market is a contentious issue even for official statistics. Here the NRLA's head of policy James Woods takes deep dive into the data – and looks north of the border to examine the impact of legislation change on the number of landlords selling up.
NRLA rents warning in Senedd evidence session
The NRLA warned the threat of rent controls – coupled with the introduction of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act – has seen rents in Wales soar. Steve Bletsoe, Operations Manager for Wales, told the Local Government and Housing Committee that from having the slowest rising rents in the UK, Wales is now recording the fastest rising as a result of this perfect storm.
The clock is ticking on rental reform
There are real fears the Renters (Reform) Bill could fall as it approaches the final furlong, with no date announced for its third reading in the Commons.The Bill was conspicuous by its absence from next week’s list of Parliamentary business, leaving just two days available before the House rises for the Easter recess.