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The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

Welsh Government extend possession ban to end of June

The possession ban in Wales is to be extended from the end of March to 30 June, the Welsh Government have announced today.

Industry News Calum Davies 17/03/2021
Welsh Government extend possession ban to end of June

How the pandemic has left me struggling

Cathy is currently out of work and struggling financially due to the pandemic, her tenants are in twenty thousand pounds of rent arrears, which began prior to Covid-19 and has nowhere to turn. All because she is a landlord.

Member Stories Rhianna Abrey 15/03/2021
How the pandemic has left me struggling

What could tenant hardship loans look like?

The NRLA continues to call for financial support in the sector to tackle rent arrears as a result of the pandemic. In this blog deputy campaigns and policy director Meera Chindooroy explains what this would look like for landlords and tenants, and what the NRLA is calling for.

Insights and Opinions Meera Chindooroy 12/03/2021
What could tenant hardship loans look like?

What you need to know about the eviction ban extension

The Government announced yesterday that both the ban on using bailiffs, and the longer notice periods for Section 21 and 8 will continue in the same form until the end of May. Senior policy officer James Wood explains what landlords need to know.

Industry News James Wood 11/03/2021
What you need to know about the eviction ban extension

The Big Question: Furnished or unfurnished - what do you rent?

Do you rent out your properties unfurnished - or ready for tenants to move right in? Following a discussion on the furnished/unfurnished debate in our most recent podcast the NRLA is asking what you prefer to do for our next 'Big Question' feature in NRLA members' magazine, Property.

Member Stories Sally Walmsley 08/03/2021
The Big Question: Furnished or unfurnished - what do you rent?

Beginning of the end for emergency measures in the private rented sector

The NRLA responds to the latest Government announcement that current regulations restricting repossessions will be extended until the 31st May and then begin to taper of from the start of June

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 10/03/2021
Beginning of the end for emergency measures in the private rented sector

NRLA calls on Welsh Government to get a grip on rent arrears

In the run-up to May's Welsh election, the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) have called on the Welsh Government to improve financial support and end restrictions that have plunged tenants and landlords into debt.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 09/03/2021
NRLA calls on Welsh Government to get a grip on rent arrears

Wales: Landlords share impact of rent arrears

Husband and wife, Ian and Glenys own a three-bedroom property in Deeside, North Wales which is managed by a letting agent.

Member Stories Rhianna Abrey 10/03/2021
Wales: Landlords share impact of rent arrears

Pandemic: I feel that landlords have no access to help

Elena is a landlord and owns a property in London and has been a landlord for a few years now. She rents her the property to a family, who never had any issues with paying rent prior to the pandemic.

Member Stories Rhianna Abrey 09/03/2021
Pandemic: I feel that landlords have no access to help

Renters Reform Bill Spotlight: Conciliation and Court Reform

What is conciliation and who would pay for it? Are the government planning to reform the courts? These are just some of the questions coming in from members, following the publication of our Renters' Reform Bill proposals. Here campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues.

Insights and Opinions Alexandra Williams 08/03/2021
Renters Reform Bill Spotlight: Conciliation and Court Reform