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Possession during Covid-19: A landlord perspective

The NRLA has campaigned extensively for reform in the possession process. As landlords currently absorb the costs associated with the lengthy court waiting periods, the ban on the repossession of property introduced in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has exacerbated the problems landlords face. As part of our quarter 3 survey, we asked landlords about their experiences with possession over the course of the last 2 years to shed some more light on this issue

Deep Insight Aidan Crehan 17/02/2021
Possession during Covid-19: A landlord perspective

Quarter 3 In Focus: Landlord Possession

In March 2020, the Government introduced the ban on residential evictions. This ban was lifted on the 20th September. With more restrictions since being introduced and a huge backlog of possession cases likely, the NRLA asked landlords about their recent experience of possession proceedings.

Quarterly Report Aidan Crehan 17/02/2021
Quarter 3 In Focus: Landlord Possession

Buy-to-let mortgages update: February

Welcome to Buy to Let Market, a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets. Written by Doug Hall, of NRLA mortgage partners 3mc.

Insights and Opinions Doug Hall 15/02/2021
Buy-to-let mortgages update: February

Government needs to get a grip of Covid rent crisis

The Government needs to get a grip and do something about the debt crisis renters and landlords are now facing. A package of hardship loans and grants is needed as a matter of urgency.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 14/02/2021
Government needs to get a grip of Covid rent crisis

Blog: Essential evidence in a tenancy deposit dispute

Ever wondered how an adjudicator reaches their decision when dealing with a deposit dispute? Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) explains what you’ll need to support your case.

Insights and Opinions John King 05/02/2021
Blog: Essential evidence in a tenancy deposit dispute

Renters Reform Bill- frequently asked questions

Industry News Victoria Barker 10/02/2021
Renters Reform Bill- frequently asked questions

Call of the Week: Renewing a tenancy agreement

A landlord recently gave our landlord advice team a call with a query they had about renewing a tenancy agreement. They were coming towards the end of an existing assured shorthold tenancy agreement (AST) with their tenant and wanted advice on renewing the agreement for another fixed term, or whether the tenancy should just roll on.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 09/02/2021
Call of the Week: Renewing a tenancy agreement

Eviction surge warning unfounded, new data suggests

Warnings of a surge of evictions following the partial lifting of the repossessions ban in September last year have proved to be unfounded according to government figures released today.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 11/02/2021
Eviction surge warning unfounded, new data suggests

Welsh possession reform Bill approaches final hurdle

The Renting Homes (Amendment) Bill, which aims to give greater security of tenure to tenants, passed its penultimate hurdle in the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) yesterday.

Industry News Calum Davies 11/02/2021
Welsh possession reform Bill approaches final hurdle

Government announces £3.5 billion funding for removal of unsafe cladding

The Government will pay for the removal of unsafe cladding for leaseholders in high-rise residential buildings, the Housing Secretary announced today. Robert Jenrick MP confirmed that the cost of replacing unsafe cladding for leaseholders in residential buildings will be fully funded by the Government where the building is 18 metres and over, in England.

Industry News Victoria Barker 10/02/2021
Government announces £3.5 billion funding for removal of unsafe cladding