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Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales

On the advent of the publication of the Welsh Government's Tackling fuel poverty 2021 to 2035, NRLA Wales have expressed disappointment over the lost opportunity to focus on improving the least fuel efficient dwellings and provide greater support to landlords.

Insights and Opinions Tim Thomas 08/03/2021
Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales

Celebrating female landlords this International Women's Day 2021

In celebration of International Women's Day, we wanted to showcase a range of stories from female landlords from across our membership.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 08/03/2021
Celebrating female landlords this International Women's Day 2021

Budget: What it means for landlords

Despite some early speculation to the contrary, this week's Budget was a fairly neutral one for private landlords. Although the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, set out the beginnings of recovering Covid expenditure, individual landlords didn't see many changes to their tax burden. NRLA deputy director of policy and campaigns Meera Chindooroy writes about the key announcements.

Industry News Meera Chindooroy 05/03/2021
Budget: What it means for landlords

Call of the week: Renters' Reform Bill

A landlord gave our team a call this week with a question around regulated tenancies and the upcoming Renters Reform Bill.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 03/03/2021
Call of the week: Renters' Reform Bill

Licensing: Respond to current licensing consultations

The NRLA is urging landlords to make their views heard on plans to introduce licensing schemes in a number of towns and cities across the country. To help members learn more about consultations, the NRLA has developed a toolkit exclusive for members.

Regional News Victoria Barker 04/03/2021
Licensing: Respond to current licensing consultations

A welcomed spring clean - carrying out property maintenance during Covid-19

NRLA partner, Hamilton Fraser Total Landlord Insurance share their useful guidance for landlords on how to carry out spring property maintenance despite the continued Covid-19 restrictions.

Helpful Tips Steve Barnes 01/03/2021
A welcomed spring clean - carrying out property maintenance during Covid-19

Chancellors words "ring hollow" for landlords and tenants

NRLA response to the Budget announced today by the Chancellor. Highlighting the urgent financial support which is needed for both landlords and tenants.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 03/03/2021
Chancellors words "ring hollow" for landlords and tenants

English Housing Survey 2019-2020: Infographic

This post is a visual summary of the 2019-2020 English Housing Survey (EHS). The EHS is a national survey - published annually - produced by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). Note that data collection for this survey concluded prior to the Covid-19 crisis. This is the first of a series of infographics which will summarise key reports and research into the PRS.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 02/03/2021
English Housing Survey 2019-2020: Infographic

Using photographs and videos as dispute evidence

NRLA deposit protection provider, mydeposits, write about about property inventories, why including visual media is so important and, how good images can make all the difference if you need to rely on them to resolve end of tenancy negotiations and disputes.

Partners and Suppliers Suzy Hershman 02/03/2021
Using photographs and videos as dispute evidence

Quarter 3 In Focus: Landlords & Taxation

This In Focus report considers the views of landlords on a range of taxation topics. Landlords' likely response to tax changes sends the Chancellor of the Exchequer a message to think through tax changes and reforms. The impact of changes on the PRS may not be as forecasters predict.

Quarterly Report Nick Clay 25/02/2021
Quarter 3 In Focus: Landlords & Taxation