Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Landlords welcome plan to end homelessness

Landlords in Wales have welcomed the Government's announcement of a new £30 million funding pot as part of a plan to end homelessness. Local authorities are expected to be able to use this funding to support a nationwide private rented sector leasing scheme.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 30/11/2021
Landlords welcome plan to end homelessness

Government Response to Consultation on Proposals to Extend Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements

The Government has announced they plan to expand the scope of the smoke and carbon monoxide alarm legislation in both private and social housing.

Industry News James Wood 26/11/2021
Government Response to Consultation on Proposals to Extend Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements

Demand for rental housing at record high

Demand for private rental housing is at an all time high according to new research being published by the National Residential Landlords Association.

Industry News Sam Hunter 26/11/2021
Demand for rental housing at record high

NRLA partners with Viewber

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has announced the start of a new commercial partnership with Viewber, a provider of cutting-edge services to landlord, investors and letting agents.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 22/11/2021
NRLA partners with Viewber

Use of 'no explanation' repossessions plummeting says official data

The number of repossession cases in the courts involving landlords using Section 21, 'no explanation' notices has plummeted over the past two years.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 22/11/2021
Use of 'no explanation' repossessions plummeting says official data

Housing minister in talks with NRLA

Housing minister Chris Pincher met with NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle this week to talk about funding to tackle Covid-related arrears and the long-awaited white paper on rental reform.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 11/11/2021
Housing minister in talks with NRLA

Repossession limits lifted in courts

'Overall arrangements' limiting landlords' ability to take back possession of their homes have come to end it has been announced. Courts now no longer need to schedule two separate hearings (review and a substantive) before being able to issue a possession order.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/11/2021
Repossession limits lifted in courts

Research lays bare failure to tackle criminal landlords

TWO thirds of English councils have prosecuted no landlords for offences related to standards in or the management of private rented housing over the last three years.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 12/11/2021
Research lays bare failure to tackle criminal landlords

Call for case studies to highlight interventions on homes and health

The Healthy Places team in the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is looking for examples of interventions in housing that can have a positive impact on health, and landlords are being invited to share their experiences.

Industry News Victoria Barker 10/11/2021
Call for case studies to highlight interventions on homes and health

Private landlords forced to rely on savings to cover lost rental income

Today the NRLA releases figures from research conducted with BVA/BDRC which reveals the extent to which private landlords have been forced to rely on their own savings to cover rental losses incurred as a result of the pandemic.

Industry News Sam Hunter 05/11/2021
Private landlords forced to rely on savings to cover lost rental income