Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

NRLA quizzes housing minister

Rental reform, landlord registration and cladding were on the agenda this week as NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle quizzed Eddie Hughes, the Minister for the Private Rented Sector on plans for the market.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/03/2022
NRLA quizzes housing minister

Cladding- Government open to discussion about support for private landlords

This week, Lord Naseby raised an amendment to the Building Safety Bill which would ensure all individual landlords renting out leasehold properties would be included in the Government's plans that no leaseholders should pay to remediate unsafe cladding. NRLA deputy director of campaigns and policy Meera Chindooroy writes about what landlords need to know.

Industry News Meera Chindooroy 04/03/2022
Cladding- Government open to discussion about support for private landlords

New extension to temporary Right to Rent rules

The Government has announced that temporary changes to Right to Rent checks, first introduced to minimise face-to-face contact, will remain in place until the end of September 2022.

Industry News Victoria Barker 04/03/2022
New extension to temporary Right to Rent rules

London needs almost 85,000 new private rented homes a year warns report

London needs almost 85,000 new private rented homes a year to meet its housing needs, a new report has found.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 01/03/2022
London needs almost 85,000 new private rented homes a year warns report

Clarity needed on housing Ukrainian refugees

Following the Home Secretary's announcement of additional measures to assist Ukrainian refugees, the NRLA calls on the Government to provide landlords with additional guidance on how they can flag the availability of properties which can house individuals or families fleeing the Ukraine confict.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 01/03/2022
Clarity needed on housing Ukrainian refugees

Demand remains strong in rental market

Demand for private rented housing remained strong at the end of 2021, according to new data released today by the National Residential Landlords Association.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 23/02/2022
Demand remains strong in rental market

Gove's cladding plan supports millionaire flat owners over pension savers

Government plans to end the cladding scandal are based on lazy and false assumptions that individual landlords are property tycoons.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 22/02/2022
Gove's cladding plan supports millionaire flat owners over pension savers

Prime Minister's policy team in talks with NRLA

Boris Johnson's policy team has held talks with the NRLA on its proposals for reform of the private rented sector. Johnson's team questioned the NRLA on proposals for a National Register of Landlords, a move the association believes is unnecessary and would create yet more red tape.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 18/02/2022
Prime Minister's policy team in talks with NRLA

Landlords welcome plan to end cladding injustice

Landlords are welcoming an amendment to new laws that would end the injustice of there being worthy and unworthy leaseholders able to access support to tackle dangerous cladding.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 18/02/2022
Landlords welcome plan to end cladding injustice

NRLA named Trade Association of the Year

The NRLA has been named Trade Association of the Year at the Trade Association Forum Best Practice Awards 2022.The association scooped the night’s top accolade, with members’ magazine Property also named best publication at the awards ceremony.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 18/02/2022
NRLA named Trade Association of the Year