Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

What you need to know: court fees update

As of 30 September, the Government has increased the price of a number of fees that landlords have to pay when applying to court. This includes applications for warrants of possession, as well as making a small claim or enforcing it.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 30/09/2021
What you need to know: court fees update

NRLA responds to the Welsh Government's extension of notice periods

Ben Beadle, our Chief Executive, responds to the Welsh Government's announcement of a further extension to notice periods.

Industry News Tim Thomas 22/09/2021
NRLA responds to the Welsh Government's extension of notice periods

Renters and Landlords face cliff edge as furlough ends

Private renters and landlords across the country face a cliff edge as the end of furlough coincides with cuts to benefit support.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 16/09/2021
Renters and Landlords face cliff edge as furlough ends

Michael Gove named Housing Secretary

Michael Gove MP has been appointed as the new Housing Secretary, following a cabinet reshuffle this week.

Industry News Victoria Barker 17/09/2021
Michael Gove named Housing Secretary

Landlords welcome Gove to housing brief

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, responds to news that Michael Gove has been appointed to the role of Housing, Communities & Local Government Secretary.

Industry News Sam Hunter 15/09/2021
Landlords welcome Gove to housing brief

New data reveals scale of Wales' rent arrears crisis

New research published by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) highlights the rent arrears crisis which affected the Welsh private rented sector throughout the first half of 2021.

Industry News Sam Hunter 10/09/2021
New data reveals scale of Wales' rent arrears crisis

Possession update: what you need to know about possession from October 1 2021

The Government has laid legislation that will return notice periods to their pre-pandemic levels in England from 1 October 2021.

Industry News James Wood 09/09/2021
Possession update: what you need to know about possession from October 1 2021

GDPR registration reminder

Landlords are being reminded by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to check whether they need to register and pay a fee, if they have not already done so.

Industry News Victoria Barker 08/09/2021
GDPR registration reminder

NRLA quoted in new pets report

Whether to allow pets in your property is something of a thorny issue. A new report out today by animal charity Advocats East Mids is calling for an amendment to the act, to allow for either landlords or tenants taking out pet damage insurance, or to allow a separate, capped pet deposit.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 02/09/2021
NRLA quoted in new pets report

Keep the lifeline - open letter to the Prime Minister

100 organisations across the UK including the NRLA, have joined together in urging the Government not to go ahead with the planned £20-a-week cut to Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 02/09/2021
Keep the lifeline - open letter to the Prime Minister