Partners and Suppliers

Working with industry-leading experts ensures our members have access to the services and support they need to run their business, with exclusive discounts and offers available. Over here, we have compiled all the expert articles and opinions, practical guides, case studies and much more, designed to inform and educate.

How can I make my rental property more energy efficient?

With news that energy bills across the UK are set to increase to an average of £3,000 beginning in April 2023, landlords will be considering how to reduce the cost impact on their homes and tenants. NRLA Partner, TDS, gives us their insight.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 03/01/2023
How can I make my rental property more energy efficient?

The complete guide to protecting your property from claims in 2023

Many of the issues landlords experience can be prevented through a combination of regular maintenance, periodic inspections, and clear communication with tenants. But unfortunately, no matter how well prepared you are, the unexpected can still happen. As insurance partner to the NRLA, Total Landlord, has written several guides for NRLA members, which are packed with advice to help landlords understand more about the most common causes of claims and how to prevent incidents occurring in the first place.

Partners and Suppliers Steve Barnes 20/12/2022
The complete guide to protecting your property from claims in 2023

9 tips to control mould before it controls you

Mould can cause health problems to tenants and damage to your property, so it is vital you stay on top of any issues and advise your tenants on how to keep the property free of damp. NRLA partner, Envirovent has some top tips to help control mould before it gets out of hand.

Partners and Suppliers Ruth MacEachern 20/12/2022
9 tips to control mould before it controls you

What to do if you need to sell in 2023

Pressure on the property market is increasing, and private landlords are feeling it more than most. Kirsty Burnham, head of property at Movewise, offers tips to make sure you don't sell yourself short.

Partners and Suppliers Kirsty Burnham 19/12/2022
What to do if you need to sell in 2023

NRLA Mortgages boss briefs Government advisers

Rising mortgage rates have never been far from the front pages in recent months. Doug Hall, director of NRLA mortgage provider 3mc has addressed Government advisers for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) on what the changes mean for landlords - and the potential consequences.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 13/12/2022
NRLA Mortgages boss briefs Government advisers

In what scenarios might a landlord need Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance?

Tenants can default on rent for many reasons, leaving landlords to cover the costs. This can lead to considerable financial strain and put investments at risk. There are several scenarios where landlords may benefit from Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance. NRLA Partner, Rentguard, looks at some of those.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 13/12/2022
In what scenarios might a landlord need Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance?

How to Increase Boiler Pressure

The boiler is a critical element in our homes. Most of us will know the term 'low pressure', but what does it mean? If you're experiencing problems with your boiler - namely a loss of heating and hot water supply - low pressure could be at fault. NRLA Partner, Your Repair shows us simple steps to help diagnose a problem.

Partners and Suppliers Jon Tweats 06/12/2022
How to Increase Boiler Pressure

Buy to Let Market Update: December 2022

Welcome to 'Buy to Let Market', a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets written by Doug Hall of NRLA Mortgages.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 01/12/2022
Buy to Let Market Update: December 2022

A Winter Property Checklist for your Tenants

With winter around the corner, it's a good time for landlords to prepare for the risks that the colder months can bring. Taking time to draw up a to-do list for yourself and your tenants may help to ensure you have a trouble-free winter. Here are NRLA Partner, Rentguard's tips to help tenants keep your property safe and in good condition.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 30/11/2022
A Winter Property Checklist for your Tenants

How to Avoid the Most Common Rental Deposit Disputes

This year's most common tenancy deposit dispute has been revealed. NRLA Recognised Supplier, Inventory Hive tells us what agents and landlords (and tenants) can do to avoid the delays, costs and stress associated with deposit disputes at check-out.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 24/11/2022
How to Avoid the Most Common Rental Deposit Disputes