Partners and Suppliers

Working with industry-leading experts ensures our members have access to the services and support they need to run their business, with exclusive discounts and offers available. Over here, we have compiled all the expert articles and opinions, practical guides, case studies and much more, designed to inform and educate.

The increasing risk of underinsurance and how it can affect landlords

Underinsurance may occur when a policyholder’s insurance does not offer the level of protection they expect, potentially exposing them to a financial shortfall when they make a claim . By letting your insurance policy automatically renew every year, without considering a changing economic landscape or your own circumstances, you may not be suitably covered. For this reason, it can be important to regularly review your property insurance policies. NRLA Partner, Rentguard, gives us their advice.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 03/02/2023
The increasing risk of underinsurance and how it can affect landlords

Landlords and legionella: What to inspect and when

Every home is at risk from Legionella and, in the case of rental properties, it’s a landlord’s responsibility to minimise that risk to keep their tenants safe. What do landlords need to do, and when, to meet regulations and safety standards regarding Legionnaires? NRLA Recognised Supplier, Inventory Hive tells us more.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 03/02/2023
Landlords and legionella: What to inspect and when

Buy to Let Market Update: February 2023

Welcome to 'Buy to Let Market', a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets written by Doug Hall of NRLA Mortgages.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 02/02/2023
Buy to Let Market Update: February 2023

Six years of hurt – Where has Section 24 left the landlord market?

2017 was an important year for landlords in that it marked the beginning of Section 24 (S24). With a restriction on mortgage tax relief, many predicted that landlords would experience huge financial difficulties and the rental market would suffer as a result. After almost 6 years of implementation, where has S24 left the landlord market? NRLAL Recognised Supplier, Less Tax 4 Landlords gives us their insight.

Partners and Suppliers Ben Rose 30/01/2023
Six years of hurt – Where has Section 24 left the landlord market?

How to fix a dripping tap

There are few things more annoying in life than a dripping tap. Whether it’s keeping you awake at night or distracting you during the day, it doesn’t have to be this way. Dripping taps are not only annoying, but they can also waste a lot of water. The good news is, there’s often a simple fix you can try yourself. NRLA Partner, YourRepair, tells us what we can do.

Partners and Suppliers Jon Tweats 25/01/2023
How to fix a dripping tap

Just how much does it cost to run an extractor fan?

Extractor fans are the most effective way to reduce humidity in your property, preventing damp and mould., But with the rising cost of energy prices, how economical are they? NRLA Recognised Supplier, EnviroVent explains more.

Partners and Suppliers Ruth MacEachern 23/01/2023
Just how much does it cost to run an extractor fan?

What happens if a tenant fails reference checks?

Carrying out thorough tenant referencing and credit checks is vital to minimise the risk of rent defaults and problematic tenancies but what should you do if a tenant does not pass? When faced with a failed tenant referencing report, landlords have to decide what to do next. NRLA Tenant Referencing gives us their advice.

Partners and Suppliers Rhia May 16/01/2023
What happens if a tenant fails reference checks?

How to keep your property warm

As the weather gets cooler and with bills on the rise, more of us are looking for ways to keep warm, without breaking the bank. In the latest video from NRLA partner TradePoint (B&Q), the company shares some advice for keeping the heat in during cooler weather. This advice can apply to homeowners too, and not just landlords.

Partners and Suppliers Sally Walmsley 13/01/2023
How to keep your property warm

Post repair inspection service is launched

With the Government announcing the Renters' Reform Bill would be implemented in this session of parliament - that's before June 2023 - thoughts are increasingly turning to an enhanced level of protection for tenants. NRLA Partner, Viewber, tells us about the latest addition to their service.

Partners and Suppliers Ed Mead 06/01/2023
Post repair inspection service is launched

How to bleed your radiators

We've all been there, you come home from work on a cold, chilly day and expect to be greeted by a lovely, warm, cosy house - but it's not. NRLA Partner, Your Repair, advises landlords on how to bleed their radiators.

Partners and Suppliers Jon Tweats 03/01/2023
How to bleed your radiators