Partners and Suppliers

Working with industry-leading experts ensures our members have access to the services and support they need to run their business, with exclusive discounts and offers available. Over here, we have compiled all the expert articles and opinions, practical guides, case studies and much more, designed to inform and educate.

Buy to Let Market Update: August 2022

Welcome to 'Buy to Let Market', a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets written by Doug Hall of NRLA Mortgages.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 01/08/2022
Buy to Let Market Update: August 2022

Three Summertime Disputes for Landlords and how to Prevent them

The British summertime is here and temperatures have been soaring! But is your tenant keeping cool? Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) looks at 3 hot weather disputes that landlords face and offers advice on how to prevent them. Read on for more.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 29/07/2022
Three Summertime Disputes for Landlords and how to Prevent them

Should I rent to students? Advice for landlords

Sandy Bastin, head of TDS Adjudication Services on renting to students and a new guide for landlords.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 28/07/2022
Should I rent to students? Advice for landlords

How to Manage Energy Bills and Meter Readings in Rented Properties

The energy crisis is looming and, as a result, many households have seen a sharp rise in their energy bills. Staying on top of these utilities isn't easy at the best of times, but it can become even more difficult for landlords and tenants if meter readings aren't managed correctly in rented properties. Recognised Supplier, Inventory Hive, tell us how to make sure energy bills don't become part of the tenancy dispute problem.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 28/07/2022
How to Manage Energy Bills and Meter Readings in Rented Properties

How One Married Couple Beat the Tax Changes

Since the introduction of Section 24, many landlords have restructured property ownership to protect themselves against tax changes, however this doesn't necessarily have to involve a change of ownership. Recognised Supplier, Less Tax 4 Landlords, gives us their insight.

Partners and Suppliers Ben Rose 25/07/2022
How One Married Couple Beat the Tax Changes

Ten Tips to Reduce Risks and Protect your Property in a Heatwave

With temperatures soaring to record highs, what can landlords do to reduce risks and protect their property? Steve Barnes, Associate Director at NRLA insurance partners, Total Landlord Insurance, shares his ten top tips for landlords, as we face the reality that extreme heat fuelled by climate change is making heatwaves more intense, frequent and likely.

Partners and Suppliers Steve Barnes 22/07/2022
Ten Tips to Reduce Risks and Protect your Property in a Heatwave

The Impact of Unprotected Deposits on Evicting your Tenant and Serving a Section 21 Notice

At the NRLA we receive a lot of calls to our helpline from members who want to know the impact that an unprotected deposit can have on their tenancy, and particularly on evicting a tenant and serving a Section 21 notice. This article will draw on the combined expertise of Suzy Hershman, Head of Dispute Resolution at mydeposits, and Paul Sowerbutts, Head of Legal at Landlord Action.

Partners and Suppliers Suzy Hershman 22/07/2022
The Impact of Unprotected Deposits on Evicting your Tenant and Serving a Section 21 Notice

How To Maximise Your Property and Stay Ahead of Interior Trends

Residents are demanding more from their home interiors, not settling for impersonal feeling designs. Instead, they are questioning what the design can do for them and how it will make them feel. For a landlord, this poses challenges as well as huge opportunities. NRLA partner, LOFT, gives us their insight.

Partners and Suppliers Stephen Fahy 18/07/2022
How To Maximise Your Property and Stay Ahead of Interior Trends

When is the best time to sell a property?

Knowing you want to sell your property is one thing but how can the timing help with finding a buyer at the right price? Our partners at Movewise take a look at the difference getting your timing right can make.

Partners and Suppliers Kirsty Burnham 07/07/2022
When is the best time to sell a property?

The Complete Guide to Protecting your Property from Flooding

In this comprehensive guide, NRLA insurance partners, Hamilton Fraser Total Landlord Insurance, explain everything landlords need to know about protecting property from flooding - from assessing level of risk to the measures to take to prepare both properties and tenants, what to do in the event of a flood, and how to make sure you have comprehensive cover.

Partners and Suppliers Steve Barnes 06/07/2022
The Complete Guide to Protecting your Property from Flooding