Partners and Suppliers

Working with industry-leading experts ensures our members have access to the services and support they need to run their business, with exclusive discounts and offers available. Over here, we have compiled all the expert articles and opinions, practical guides, case studies and much more, designed to inform and educate.

A guide to guarantors for residential tenancies

Jack Vlasto, of NRLA insurance partner Rentguard, explains more about what responsibilities guarantors have, who can be a guarantor, and Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Insurance.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 16/10/2023
A guide to guarantors for residential tenancies

Buy to let market update: October 2023

An update on the buy-to-let market, written by Doug Hall of NRLA partner 3mc.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 02/10/2023
Buy to let market update: October 2023

Getting your properties ready for winter

Ettan Bazil of Help Me Fix It shares advice for landlords on preparing properties for winter.

Partners and Suppliers Ettan Bazil 10/10/2023
Getting your properties ready for winter

Student Landlords: Give this advice to your tenants to protect your rented property

Richard Abbots, CEO of Inventory Hive, shares advice for student landlords on getting their relationship with new tenants off to the right start, and advice on avoiding common property issues in student lets.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 04/10/2023
Student Landlords: Give this advice to your tenants to protect your rented property

Timely and regular repair checks can save thousands of pounds

Ed Mead, founder of NRLA partner Viewber, explains more about the rising cost of materials, the importance of addressing repairs promptly, and how the service offered by Viewer can help.

Partners and Suppliers Ed Mead 26/09/2023
Timely and regular repair checks can save thousands of pounds

Learn how a currency specialist can help you

NRLA specialist currency partner, Smart Currency Exchange, gives us the lowdown on two commonly used services by overseas homeowners and those with business dealings overseas.

Partners and Suppliers Christopher Nye 19/09/2023
Learn how a currency specialist can help you

Students, tenancy deposits and avoiding disputes

Suzy Hershman, Head of Dispute Resolution at NRLA partner mydeposits, explains the main reasons for student deposit disputes, how landlords should approach negotiations, and how can disputes can be avoided.

Partners and Suppliers Suzy Hershman 11/09/2023
Students, tenancy deposits and avoiding disputes

Lowering energy costs this winter: essential tips for landlords

As a new season approaches, Mark Mcauley of NRLA partner Your Repair explains how landlords can prepare their homes for cooler weather, and how NRLA members can benefit from Your Repair's home emergency cover.

Partners and Suppliers Mark McAuley 11/09/2023
Lowering energy costs this winter: essential tips for landlords

The complete guide to protecting your property from electrical hazards

NRLA insurance partner Total Landlord explain more about the importance of protecting your property from electrical hazards, electrical safety regulations and what landlords can do to reduce the risk of electrical hazards in the home.

Partners and Suppliers Steve Barnes 08/09/2023
The complete guide to protecting your property from electrical hazards

Tenant tracing: top tips for landlords

What is tenant tracing, and how does the process work? NRLA recognised supplier Landlord Action explain all you need to know, including top tips for landlords.

Partners and Suppliers Paul Shamplina 05/09/2023
Tenant tracing: top tips for landlords