Partners and Suppliers

Working with industry-leading experts ensures our members have access to the services and support they need to run their business, with exclusive discounts and offers available. Over here, we have compiled all the expert articles and opinions, practical guides, case studies and much more, designed to inform and educate.

Our predictions for property investment in 2024

2023 has proved a tricky year for property investors, but it’s also provided some opportunities that haven’t been available for the last few years. Allison Thompson from NRLA partner, Leaders, gives us her insight for the year ahead.

Partners and Suppliers Allison Thompson 08/01/2024
Our predictions for property investment in 2024

How increasing energy efficiency can help reduce disputes

With more than a quarter of renting households in the UK now living in fuel poverty, combined with the UK having some of the oldest and worst insulated housing stock in the world, tenancy disputes arising as a direct result of energy efficiency issues could increase. NRLA deposit protection provider, mydeposits, has put together this helpful guide to explain the benefits of energy efficient properties for landlords and how they can minimise the chance of a disputes with their tenants.

Partners and Suppliers Suzy Hershman 08/01/2024
How increasing energy efficiency can help reduce disputes

The Leading Causes of Tenancy Deposit Disputes in 2023 (and how to prevent them in 2024)

The latest tenancy deposit findings have revealed the leading cause of disputes in rental properties for 2023, offering letting agents and landlords an opportunity to learn from the trends and take measures to avoid these costly claims. Richard Abbots from NRLA supplier, Inventory Hives tells us more.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 02/01/2024
The Leading Causes of Tenancy Deposit Disputes in 2023 (and how to prevent them in 2024)

Buy to let market predictions

The beginning of a new calendar year tends to bring with it, hope, New Year resolutions and of course, mortgage market predictions. UK Finance, the trade association for the banking and finance industry, recently released its predictions for the next two years, in a Mortgage Market Forecasts document that was published on 11th December 2023. Doug Hall from NRLA partner, 3mc, tells us more.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 02/01/2024
Buy to let market predictions

The complete guide to preventing burst pipes in your rental property

Even though we've left the coldest months behind us, many households still worry about rising heating bills, and some tenants may be tempted to use the heating more sporadically. But although they may think they’re saving money by switching the heating on and off, this can actually increase the risk of burst pipes. And the last thing you and your tenants want is the inconvenience and expense of frozen or burst pipes as temperatures fall. Steve Barnes from NRLA partner, Total Landlord, tells us more.

Partners and Suppliers Steve Barnes 20/03/2024
The complete guide to preventing burst pipes in your rental property

NRLA mortgages partner with lender Paragon Bank to offer shared exclusive products for members

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 21/12/2023
NRLA mortgages partner with lender Paragon Bank to offer shared exclusive products for members

£250 cashback on all Birmingham Bank products for NRLA members

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 21/12/2023
£250 cashback on all Birmingham Bank products for NRLA members

Safe and Sparkling – Christmas Light Safety for Landlords and Tenants

With the festive season fast approaching, Christmas lights and decorations will soon be lighting up homes and properties all over the UK, bringing joy and warmth to the cold winter days. However, in the midst of all this festive cheer, it's vital to ensure that these beautiful decorations do not compromise the safety of the property and its inhabitants. Ettan Bazil of Help Me Fix offers his advice.

Partners and Suppliers Ettan Bazil 18/12/2023
Safe and Sparkling – Christmas Light Safety for Landlords and Tenants

Mediation and Guaranteed Rent Contracts

At the Property Redress Scheme Tenancy Mediation Service, we’ve seen an increase recently in requests for mediation from property owners in relation to corporate lets or guaranteed rent agreements - more commonly known as ‘rent to rent’ agreements - where the relationship has broken down or the rent to rent operator has failed to fulfil their obligations.

Partners and Suppliers Mike Morgan 18/12/2023
Mediation and Guaranteed Rent Contracts

Timeline to net-zero: The four main deadlines every landlord needs to know

Mark McAuley of NRLA partner Your Repair explains more about energy efficiency targets, and four important deadlines private landlords need to be aware of.

Partners and Suppliers Mark McAuley 12/12/2023
Timeline to net-zero: The four main deadlines every landlord needs to know