Partners and Suppliers

Working with industry-leading experts ensures our members have access to the services and support they need to run their business, with exclusive discounts and offers available. Over here, we have compiled all the expert articles and opinions, practical guides, case studies and much more, designed to inform and educate.

Landlords and legacy: pass on your property, not a large inheritance tax bill

As a landlord, your Inheritance tax liability will change each time you buy or sell a property, and is closely linked to Capital Gains Tax liability. Our partner St James Place looks at the implications of the different options available when IHT planning.

Partners and Suppliers Kip Katesmark 29/08/2023
Landlords and legacy: pass on your property, not a large inheritance tax bill

Tips for keeping a rental property safe when it's empty

Whatever the reason for your property being empty, it could be left at risk if not properly taken care of. Our partner Rentguard has created a summary of the potential risks and what you can do to help keep your rental property safe during periods of inoccupancy.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 29/08/2023
Tips for keeping  a rental property safe when it's empty

Can mid-tenancy mediation help resolve rent arrears?

In this blog post, NRLA partner TDS take a closer look at a real-life case study around rent arrears, and explore how it was solved by the team at TDS Resolution.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 21/08/2023
Can mid-tenancy mediation help resolve rent arrears?

A guide to setting rent prices and protecting your rental income

In this article, rent guarantee insurance provider Rentguard breaks down key areas for you to consider when setting rent prices, along with tips to help in the event your tenants can’t or won’t pay the rent.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 21/08/2023
A guide to setting rent prices and protecting your rental income

What is a mediator?

NRLA partner, the Property Redress Scheme’s Tenancy Mediation Service, shares advice on what a mediator is, exploring the role of a mediator and the skills they need to facilitate a mutually agreeable outcome to a dispute.

Partners and Suppliers Mike Morgan 14/08/2023
What is a mediator?

Three inventive ways to use PropTech for inventory reporting

Richard Abbots, CEO of Inventory Hive, explains three ways landlords can use PropTech, for inventory reporting.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 08/08/2023
Three inventive ways to use PropTech for inventory reporting

Supporting your switch to high-yielding HMOs

Ed Mead, founding director and CEO of NRLA partner, Viewber, explains more about how Viewber's ‘view a property on my behalf’ service can benefit HMO landlords.

Partners and Suppliers Ed Mead 01/08/2023
Supporting your switch to high-yielding HMOs

Protecting your property investment from financial pitfalls

There are a range of factors to consider when it comes to insuring your property, from the location and type of building to the renters who live there. Our partners at Rentguard have shared their most frequent received enquiries with the relevant advice, to help you ensure your property investment is protected from financial pitfalls.

Partners and Suppliers Jack Vlasto 01/08/2023
Protecting your property investment from financial pitfalls

Buy to Let Mortgages Update August 2023

Welcome to ‘Buy to Let Market’, a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets. The information within this article is correct as at 31/07/2023.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 31/07/2023
Buy to Let Mortgages Update August 2023

Student landlord advice and effective tips to prevent deposit disputes

Being a student landlord in the UK can be a rewarding venture but does come with its own set of challenges; from understanding the legal requirements, choosing the right students for your property, and ensuring your property is well-maintained, there's a lot to consider. In this article, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme provides practical tips and advice to help you navigate the student rental market with ease.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 26/07/2023
Student landlord advice and effective tips to prevent deposit disputes