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The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

New NRLA-sponsored research makes significant media impact

Following the publication of the NRLA-sponsored report, “A Housing Market that Works for Everyone: Rethinking the role of the private rented sector”, in this post we set out the impact which the research findings have made in national, trade and local media.

Industry News Sam Hunter 02/02/2023
New NRLA-sponsored research makes significant media impact

Private rented sector vital to economic and social life of the country says new report

An NRLA-commissioned report by Chamberlain Walker reveals how the private rented sector has a pivotal role to play in the economic and social life of the UK.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 31/01/2023
Private rented sector vital to economic and social life of the country says new report

Council going back to the drawing board over unlawful licensing consultation

Greenwich Council is re-launching its consultation on additional licensing plans following complaints from the NRLA. Policy officer Samantha Watkin explains more.

Industry News Samantha Watkin 27/01/2023
Council going back to the drawing board over unlawful licensing consultation

Deadline approaching to register UK property with Companies House

Companies which purchased properties before 1st August 2022 only have a few days left to register with Companies House, or they could be penalised.

Industry News Victoria Barker 27/01/2023
Deadline approaching to register UK property with Companies House

Campaigns and Public Affairs Update: What we are doing for you

This week the NRLA’s Policy and Campaigns Team has been busy meeting with key government officials and parliamentarians, where we discussed wide-ranging issues from tackling anti-social behaviour to the shortcomings of the Building Safety Act.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 27/01/2023
Campaigns and Public Affairs Update: What we are doing for you

Rental reform plans risk damaging access to higher education

Proposed Government reforms of the private rented sector threaten to make it harder for students to enter higher education, according to a letter signed by the National Residential Landlords Association and organisations from across the higher education sector.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 24/01/2023
Rental reform plans risk damaging access to higher education

Deadline approaching for Rent Smart Wales licencees to complete essential Renting Homes Wales training

Private landlords in Wales who obtained a Rent Smart Wales licence between July 2020 and 30th November 2022, are reminded they must complete an approved Rent Smart Wales (RSW) training course by 28th February 2023.

Industry News Victoria Barker 18/01/2023
Deadline approaching for Rent Smart Wales licencees to complete essential Renting Homes Wales training

Fire safety and HMOs: Days to go until new rules introduced

Industry News Victoria Barker 20/01/2023
Fire safety and HMOs: Days to go until new rules introduced

Call of the month: Dealing with frozen pipes

Much of the country has experienced freezing temperatures this week, with snow falling in some areas. A landlord gave us a call recently to ask if there were preventative measures they could take, to ensure pipes didn’t freeze or burst

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 18/01/2023
Call of the month: Dealing with frozen pipes

Rent-to-Rent: NRLA CEO gives evidence to Supreme Court

NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle has submitted evidence to the Supreme Court in a high-profile appeal centring on a rent-to-rent arrangement. The association applied to intervene in the Rakusen v Jepsen Supreme Court appeal, on the basis the outcome could have far-reaching implications.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 19/01/2023
Rent-to-Rent: NRLA CEO gives evidence to Supreme Court