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The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

Landlords welcome plans to tackle unruly tenants

The NRLA provides its response to new DLUHC plans which will give landlords greater power to evict anti-social tenants.

Industry News Sam Hunter 27/03/2023
Landlords welcome plans to tackle unruly tenants

HMO council tax consultation: How to get involved

Landlords have until March 31st to respond to an important consultation on council tax in HMO properties. The consultation proposes that HMO properties will never have more than one council tax bill - an issue the NRLA has been campaigning on for some time. Here's how you can make your voice heard.

Industry News James Wood 24/03/2023
HMO council tax consultation: How to get involved

NRLA meets with new housing minister

NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle and Policy Director Chris Norris met with new housing minister Rachel Maclean this week to talk rental reform, in particular the loss of the fixed term and how this will affect landlords. The talks follow a meeting between Ben and housing secretary Michael Gove last month.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 24/03/2023
NRLA meets with new housing minister

New How to Rent guide released by Government

A new ‘How to Rent’ guide has been released by the Government. Landlords in England are reminded they MUST serve this version at the start of any new tenancy or renewal.

Industry News Victoria Barker 24/03/2023
New How to Rent guide released by Government

Treasury loses £1.5 billion since hike in rented housing

Tax changes in the private rented sector have contributed to the loss of £1.5 billion in Treasury revenue, according to new independent analysis commissioned by the NRLA.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 23/03/2023
Treasury loses £1.5 billion since hike in rented housing

Debt Awareness Week 2023: Support for those living in the PRS

This week is Debt Awareness Week, an annual awareness week run by leading debt support charity, StepChange.

Industry News Victoria Barker 22/03/2023
Debt Awareness Week 2023: Support for those living in the PRS

New How to Rent guide to be released by Government

A new ‘How to Rent’ guide will be released by the Government next week. Landlords in England are reminded they MUST serve this version at the start of any new tenancy or renewal.

Industry News Victoria Barker 17/03/2023
New How to Rent guide to be released by Government

NRLA data cited in Parliamentary debate, as rental reform proposals take centre stage

The NRLA has made significant strides in advancing our proposals for rental reform this week, with a packed programme of high-level meetings. Senior Public Affairs and Campaigns Officer Ellie Bateman explains more.

Industry News Eleanor Bateman 16/03/2023
NRLA data cited in Parliamentary debate, as rental reform proposals take centre stage

Updated Rent Smart Wales training offered by NRLA

Landlords and letting agents across Wales can now access updatedRent Smart Wales licensing training from the NRLA’s award-winning Training Academy.  Both of the NRLA’s Rent Smart Wales courses -  for landlords and letting agents - have been given a high assurance rating for the quality of delivery, and have now gone through the lengthy government approval process following updates to reflect the latest legislation changes.

Industry News Victoria Barker 16/03/2023
Updated Rent Smart Wales training offered by NRLA

Budget misses opportunity to tackle rental housing supply crisis

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt missed a prime opportunity to address the supply crisis in the private rented sector in this week's budget. With supply issues continuing to have an adverse effect on the market, the NRLA believes the Government must take immediate action to prevent the gulf between supply and demand growing further, and to encourage a PRS which works in the interests of landlords and tenants alike.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 15/03/2023
Budget misses opportunity to tackle rental housing supply crisis