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Short lets may require planning permission as part of Government crackdown

Landlords and homeowners who rent out properties as short term lets may require planning permission to do so under new Government proposals.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 14/04/2023
Short lets may require planning permission as part of Government crackdown

National Pet Month: Guidance for pets in properties

Industry News Victoria Barker 13/04/2023
National Pet Month: Guidance for pets in properties

Introducing ‘view a property on my behalf’

Partners and Suppliers Ed Mead 11/04/2023
Introducing ‘view a property on my behalf’

How to clean grout

Cleaning grouting surrounding tiles can make a tired looking bathroom look as good as new. Here, NRLA partner Tradepoint (B&Q) explains what you need to know.

Helpful Tips Victoria Barker 11/04/2023
How to clean grout

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.16: 2022 Q4

Landlord confidence has continued to fall. It is now back to levels seen at the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The proportion of landlords planning to sell property is now at record highs - whilst the proportion of landlords planning to buy is now at record lows. Yet demand remains high and landlords are turning property around quickly. Legislation in Wales and possible legislation in England is a key factor behind these confidence levels.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 06/04/2023
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.16: 2022 Q4

Landlords urged to back campaign against damaging rental housing policies in Scotland

A coalition of organisations from across the UK's private rented sector (including the NRLA) has launched a crowdfunding campaign to support a judicial review of the Scottish Government's recent decision to introduce rent controls and other restrictions on Scottish landlords.

Industry News Sam Hunter 05/04/2023
Landlords urged to back campaign against damaging rental housing policies in Scotland

How to select good tenants fairly

As a landlord or agent, it’s perfectly acceptable to want the best tenants in your property – to protect your asset and ensure prompt rent payments. But how you can go about selecting the right people fairly, without committing unfair prejudice against others – and how do you know if you’re really choosing the best ones?

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 03/04/2023
How to select good tenants fairly

Significant media coverage for NRLA over Government anti-social behaviour plans

This week the Government, as part of its rental reform plans, unveiled plans to give landlords enhanced powers to deal with anti-social behaviour in the private rented sector. As part of our wider push to ensure the Government takes into account our members’ views on this subject when drafting rental reform proposals, we mounted a comprehensive media campaign to get our point of view across to key stakeholders.

Industry News Victoria Barker 31/03/2023
Significant media coverage for NRLA over Government anti-social behaviour plans

NRLA Training named Best Property Education Provider for second year running

The NRLA has been named Best Property Education Provider at the prestigious annual Property Reporter Awards for the second year in a row. The association’s Training Academy beat off competition from across the industry to clinch the title at a ceremony in London yesterday.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 29/03/2023
NRLA Training named Best Property Education Provider for second year running

NRLA on Tour events - a runaway success

Hundreds of landlords attended our free NRLA on Tour events this month, held in both Leeds and Kent. The NRLA on Tour launch events saw an excellent line-up of speakers and exhibitors share knowledge and expertise with delegates, as well as the chance to hear directly from NRLA CEO, Ben Beadle about current campaigns on rental reform and energy efficiency, and how landlords in the room could get involved.

Industry News Victoria Barker 29/03/2023
NRLA on Tour events - a runaway success