Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/11/2023

NRLA to give evidence on rental reform

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle will give evidence on the impact of the Government’s Renters’ (Reform) Bill in Parliament next week.

The Bill has entered into the committee stage, with interested parties given the opportunity to provide evidence and propose amendments to a cross party group of MPs.

The NRLA will be giving oral evidence on Tuesday, November 14 alongside the Lettings Industry Council.

The association will also be providing a written submission to the committee based around a number of key calls, including court reform, student lets, notice periods and pets.

Ben said: “We have heard some positive sounds coming from Government on student lets and court reform, however until any amendments are put forward we will continue to campaign for change.

“We are also calling for movement on notice periods, to ensure that what’s included in the Bill is fair to responsible landlords as well as tenants – something that is vital if the Bill is to succeed.

“I am looking forward to sharing landlords’ views and experiences with the committee on Tuesday and recommending simple, workable changes that have the potential to make a positive difference on the ground.”

Committee membership

Membership of the Renters (Reform) Bill Committee, was confirmed this week, and will include:

  • Nickie Aiken MP (Conservative, Cities of London and Westminster)
  • Mike Amesbury MP (Labour, Weaver Vale – Shadow LUHC Minister)
  • Shaun Bailey MP (Conservative, West Bromwich West)
  • Sara Britcliffe MP (Conservatvie, Hydnburn)
  • Karen Buck MP (Labour, Westminster North)
  • Anna Firth MP (Conservative, Southend West)
  • Mary Glindon MP (Labour, North Tyneside – Opposition Whip)
  • Eddie Hughes MP (Conservative, Walsall North – Former Minister for the PRS)
  • Siobhain McDonagh MP (Labour, Mitcham and Morden)
  • Rachel Maclean MP (Conservative, Housing Minister)
  • Gagan Mohindra MP (Conservative, South West Hertfordshire – Government Whip)
  • Helen Morgan MP (Liberal Democrat, North Shropshire – LUHC Spokesperson)
  • Matthew Pennycook MP (Labour, Greenwich and Woolwich – Shadow Housing Minister)
  • Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP (Labour, Brighton Kempton – Chair of the APPG for Renters and Rental Reform)
  • Dean Russell MP (Conservative, Watford)
  • Dr Ben Spencer MP (Conservative, Runnymede and Weybridge)
  • Craig Tracey MP (Conservative, North Warwickshire)

Can I watch the evidence session?

The evidence session will be broadcast on Parliament TV from 9.25am with Ben expected to appear around 10.10am on Tuesday. You can watch live here.

You can also stay up-to-date with all the latest on the progression of the Bill on our news site and social media channels.

To read more about the NRLA’s key calls on Renters Reform click here.

To find out more about how the Bill will pass through Parliament click here.

Sally Walmsley

Sally Walmsley Magazine and Digital Editor

Sally is the Magazine and Digital Editor for the NRLA. With 20 years’ experience writing for regional and national newspapers and magazines she is responsible for editing our members' magazine 'Property', producing our articles for our news site, the weekly and monthly bulletins and editorial content for our media partners.

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