Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Self-assessment tax deadline fast approaching: advice for landlords

Landlords are reminded that the self-assessment tax return deadline is fast approaching, and they have until 31st January 2023 to file their self-assessment tax return online.

Industry News Victoria Barker 05/01/2023
Self-assessment tax deadline fast approaching: advice for landlords

NRLA agrees partnership with YourRepair

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has launched a new partnership with YourRepair, a leading provider of flexible boiler and emergency cover.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 04/01/2023
NRLA agrees partnership with YourRepair

NRLA addresses Government roundtables

The NRLA has addressed two Government roundtables this week – on anti-social behaviour and student tenancies. Housing Minister Felicity Buchan and other stakeholders were in attendance at both meetings, which were organised at the request of the NRLA in response to Government plans outlined in its Rental Reform White Paper.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 21/12/2022
NRLA addresses Government roundtables

Rental reform plans risk causing chaos in student housing market

Students face chaos as government plans to reform the rental market threaten to cause widespread uncertainty as to whether housing will be available at start of each academic year.

Industry News Sam Hunter 21/12/2022
Rental reform plans risk causing chaos in student housing market

NRLA win as Making Tax Digital pushed back

The Government has announced it will push back the implementation date for the next stage of its Making Tax Digital (MTD) programme, which would have brought income tax self-assessment into scope, following pressure from the NRLA. It will also increase the income threshold landlords must meet before they need to enrol with the new system.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 20/12/2022
NRLA win as Making Tax Digital pushed back

NRLA announces new partnership with Crisis

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) today announces its new partnership with Crisis, the national charity for homeless people.

Industry News Sam Hunter 14/12/2022
NRLA announces new partnership with Crisis

Police and councils failing to tackle anti-social tenants, finds new NRLA research

New NRLA research reveals that, of those private landlords who have previously served a repossession notice, half have done so because of a tenant's anti-social or criminal behaviour.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 13/12/2022
Police and councils failing to tackle anti-social tenants, finds new NRLA research

Wales: NRLA provide evidence to Local Government and Housing Committee Inquiries

Our NRLA Wales team have given evidence to several important inquiries this month, including an inquiry into homelessness and another evidence session focussing on council tax.

Industry News Josh Lovell 12/12/2022
Wales: NRLA provide evidence to Local Government and Housing Committee Inquiries

NRLA responds to Minister's acknowledgement of PRS' supply and demand crisis

The NRLA responds to remarks by Minister for the PRS Felicity Buchan MP which note the PRS' ongoing supply and demand issues.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 08/12/2022
NRLA responds to Minister's acknowledgement of PRS' supply and demand crisis

Home Bank launched to help landlords and tenants work together to save energy

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has launched the 'Home Bank' initiative in partnership with Birmingham City Council, to encourage tenants and landlords to help one another save energy this winter.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 01/12/2022
Home Bank launched to help landlords and tenants work together to save energy