Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Renting Homes (Wales) Act comes into force

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act was brought in on Thursday (December 1) after a six year wait. In response the NRLA has produced a series of documents and guides to support landlords with properties in Wales through the changes.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 01/12/2022
Renting Homes (Wales) Act comes into force

Landlords respond to Shelter research

Today, we responded to Shelter's research, which you can read here.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 01/12/2022
Landlords respond to Shelter research

Senedd confirms notice periods for converted contracts will increase to six months

On the eve of the introduction of the Renting Homes Wales Act, the Welsh Government has confirmed amendments increasing the notice period for fixed term contracts from two to six months. The vote was taken last night, with 36 in favour of the change and 15 against, despite strong opposition from landlords and other letting professionals.

Industry News Victoria Barker 30/11/2022
Senedd confirms notice periods for converted contracts will increase to six months

NRLA Campaigns Update: What we are doing for you

This week the campaigns and policy team have been busy with meeting with elected representatives and government officials across England and Wales, to ensure your voice is heard at the highest level.

Industry News Samuel Leeson 25/11/2022
NRLA Campaigns Update: What we are doing for you

Wales: NRLA releases standard occupation contract ahead of law change next week

The NRLA has today released an enhanced and improved Standard Occupation Contract for use by landlords in Wales (V1.2FSOC). The new document works as an all-in-one contract, setting out the terms for both the initial fixed term and any periodic contract that follows on from this.

Industry News James Wood 25/11/2022
Wales: NRLA releases standard occupation contract ahead of law change next week

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week: Everything landlords need to know

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week runs from 21-27 November and is organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG). The campaign aims to raise awareness of risks of the so-called 'silent killer', and to help consumers and the public understand more about carbon monoxide. Coinciding with this awareness week, the NRLA is also reminding landlords of their gas safety responsibilities.

Industry News Victoria Barker 23/11/2022
Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week: Everything landlords need to know

Council Tax change to be debated on Wednesday

This Wednesday a suggested change to council tax legislation is being debated in Parliament. In this article, the NRLA sets out what the amendment wishes to achieve and how you can call on your MP to support its introduction.

Industry News James Wood 21/11/2022
Council Tax change to be debated on Wednesday

NRLA wins top accolade at Landlord Investment Show Awards

The NRLA has been recognised for its outstanding contribution to the private rented sector at the Landlord Investment Show Awards.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 18/11/2022
NRLA wins top accolade at Landlord Investment Show Awards

Minister Delivers First Speech at NRLA Conference

On Tuesday 15 November the Coventry Arena played host to the first national NRLA conference, attended by more than 500 delegates, speakers, and exhibitors including the latest minister for the private rented sector Felicity Buchan MP.

Industry News Chris Norris 15/11/2022
Minister Delivers First Speech at NRLA Conference

Autumn statement a missed opportunity to boost housing supply

Today, NRLA's CEO Ben Beadle responded to the Chancellor’s decision to cut the Capital Gains Tax allowance in the Autumn Statement, and retain the rented housing Stamp Duty Levy.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 17/11/2022
Autumn statement a missed opportunity to boost housing supply