Articles by Sam Hunter

NRLA insights on net zero speech secure blanket media coverage

Following the PM's net zero speech on 20 September, the NRLA's response to the announcement was covered widely by UK national, trade and local press.

Industry News Sam Hunter 22/09/2023
NRLA insights on net zero speech secure blanket media coverage

NRLA urges Welsh Government to reject rent controls

The NRLA has published its response to the Welsh Government's "Fair Rents & Adequate Housing" consultation.

Industry News Sam Hunter 19/09/2023
NRLA urges Welsh Government to reject rent controls

Landlords urge Ministry of Justice to speed up court wait times

The NRLA calls on justice ministers to take action to speed up the time taken for courts to process legitimate possession cases.

Industry News Sam Hunter 18/09/2023
Landlords urge Ministry of Justice to speed up court wait times

NRLA acquires Safe2 and launches new digital platform for members

The NRLA today announces the news that it has acquired Safe2 and launched a new digital platform which will benefit the organisation's membership.

Industry News Sam Hunter 01/09/2023
NRLA acquires Safe2 and launches new digital platform for members

NRLA National Conference: Michael Gove confirmed as keynote speaker

The NRLA today announces that DLUHC Secretary of State Michael Gove will be the keynote speaker at the NRLA's National Conference on 24 October 2023.

Industry News Sam Hunter 24/08/2023
NRLA National Conference: Michael Gove confirmed as keynote speaker