Articles by Sam Hunter

Landlords welcome housing benefit change

Today, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt MP confirmed in the Autumn Statement that the Treasury will unfreeze Local Housing Allowance. This move follows extensive campaigning from the NRLA and other organisations.

Industry News Sam Hunter 22/11/2023
Landlords welcome housing benefit change

Rental reforms won't work without improvements to courts, NRLA tells MPs

Today our Chief Executive Ben Beadle spoke to a cross-party committee of MPs charged with scrutinising the Renters (Reform) Bill, marking the latest stage of the Bill's passage through parliament.

Industry News Sam Hunter 14/11/2023
Rental reforms won't work without improvements to courts, NRLA tells MPs

Courts not prepared for the impact of the ban on Section 21

New data shows it takes over half a year for courts to process legitimate possession claims made by private landlords. According to figures published by the Ministry of Justice, it takes an average of almost 29 weeks between a private landlord making a legitimate possession claim to the courts and actually getting the property back

Industry News Sam Hunter 09/11/2023
Courts not prepared for the impact of the ban on Section 21

Landlords And Renters To Save On Council Tax Bills Following NRLA Campaign

Following extensive campaigning by the NRLA, the Government has confirmed that it will amend legislation to ensure all HMOs will be valued as a single property for council tax purposes.

Industry News Sam Hunter 27/10/2023
Landlords And Renters To Save On Council Tax Bills Following NRLA Campaign

Renters (Reform) Bill second reading: NRLA secures widespread media coverage

With news that the Government has finally brought the Renters (Reform) Bill to the House of Commons for its second reading, the NRLA Communications Team has campaigned hard over the past week to ensure our members are well-represented in the UK media.

Industry News Sam Hunter 27/10/2023
Renters (Reform) Bill second reading: NRLA secures widespread media coverage