Deep Insight

Private Rented Sector trends

These blog posts are written to prompt discussion and debate about the role of the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in the UK.

The posts provide more detail on trends which emerge in our analysis of datasets in the Observatory. They also highlight specific topics and comments landlords make in our regular or occasional surveys.

Academics, policy makers and practitioners also make regular contributions to the blog.  

Don't worry - tenants love you!

This is the first of two blog posts reporting on a survey of tenants conducted in August 2022. It reveals strong landlord tenant relations - tenants are very happy with their landlord and standard of their rented property. It also found that changing property needs and lack of choice is contributing to a supply issue in the PRS. Tenants are having increasing difficulty securing a property they want.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 20/09/2022
Don't worry - tenants love you!

Rent Controls in Wales - follow the evidence

As part of the agreement between Labour and Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Government has committed to looking into rent controls in Wales. This article looks at why rent controls don't work and why it would not be necessary in Wales.

Deep Insight Josh Lovell 20/06/2022
Rent Controls in Wales - follow the evidence

Adaptations & the PRS: a clear market failure

This post takes a closer look at one of the key themes from In Focus. There is an increasing need for property adapted for tenants and their family members who have specific needs in order to lead independent lives. There is a generous grant for landlords to cover costs. Many local authorities are willing to help landlords. Yet few landlords have tenants who require adaptations. Why? This post explores some of the issues.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 25/04/2022
Adaptations & the PRS: a clear market failure

The Tenant Survey: Energy Efficiency in the PRS

The NRLA regularly commissions the market research company Dynata to conduct a survey of 2,048 private rented sector tenants. This tenant survey asks questions about the tenants themselves, the properties they rent and their experiences and opinions of said properties. This blog looks at the selection of energy efficiency questions that tenants were asked.

Deep Insight Aidan Crehan 22/02/2022
The Tenant Survey: Energy Efficiency in the PRS

YouGov landlord survey - landlords take a hit

In December 2021 YouGov undertook an online survey of landlords. The survey is not of NRLA members but of the wider private landlord community (about 10% of all those surveyed were NRLA members). The survey identifies how landlords have responded to the challenges of the last few years, and the confidence with which they are looking to the future.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 11/02/2022
YouGov landlord survey - landlords take a hit
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