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A Tenant's Guide to Avoiding a Deposit Dispute

Inventory Hive have created a full comprehensive customisable guide which can be downloaded and shared with your tenants. Additionally, they have included the top 5 avoidable deposit deductions.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 29/06/2022
A Tenant's Guide to Avoiding a Deposit Dispute

Rental Reform: Periodic tenancies - a deep dive

The abolition of the fixed term tenancy was one of the most surprising announcements in the recent white paper on rental reform. We look at the likely impact of proposals and what adjustments need to be made for plans to work.

Industry News James Wood 28/06/2022
Rental Reform: Periodic tenancies - a deep dive

Save Tax: Adjusting the Split of Property Income Between Couples

The Income Tax Act 2007 (section 836) allows for income from properties that are jointly owned by married couples or civil partners that live together, to be legally split 50/50. However, whilst most landlords are aware that income can be shared equally by married couples for tax purposes, we receive many phone calls at Less Tax 4 Landlords from landlords who are not aware of the possibility to make changes to this arrangement.

Partners and Suppliers Ben Rose 24/06/2022
Save Tax: Adjusting the Split of Property Income Between Couples

Renting Homes Wales: Secondary legislation announced

New secondary legislation has been released by the Welsh Government in preparation for the introduction of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act in December. Most of these changes are minor adjustments to allow for existing legislation to continue. Our policy manager James Wood takes a look at the changes.

Industry News James Wood 24/06/2022
Renting Homes Wales: Secondary legislation announced

Energy Efficiency, Minimum Standards and Inefficient Housing Stock: What Landlords can do to Prepare for MEES

How can Britain become more energy efficient? It's certainly a question which outfoxed many a minister throughout the 1970s. In a decade when TV broadcasts would break down on a regular basis due to the energy supply crisis, the UK became used to a state of permanent energy instability.

Helpful Tips Gavin Dick 24/06/2022
Energy Efficiency, Minimum Standards and Inefficient Housing Stock: What Landlords can do to Prepare for MEES

Limited Company Structure Offers Landlords Protection Against Inflation

There are few bigger concerns for people in the UK currently than inflation. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that inflation now sits at 9%, its highest point in four decades, with warnings that it is only likely to increase further. GetGround explains how a limited company structure for your lettings business can help.

Partners and Suppliers Dr Moubin Faizullah-Khan 23/06/2022
Limited Company Structure Offers Landlords Protection Against Inflation

Supreme Court to Consider Rent-to-Rent

The NRLA has applied to intervene in the Rakusen v Jepsen Supreme Court appeal. This does not mean that we are directly supporting either litigant or have become party to the case. Rather that we believe that the outcome of the case may affect other landlords whose interests should be heard and whom we wish to represent.

Industry News Chris Norris 22/06/2022
Supreme Court to Consider Rent-to-Rent

Articles by Sam Hunter

Articles by Sam Hunter

Q&A: Get to know NRLA Wales representative Sandra

In the latest of our meet the team blogs, get to know one of our regional reps, Sandra Towers. Sandra helps run networking events for landlords across North Wales, as well as the Midlands.

Helpful Tips Victoria Barker 20/06/2022
Q&A: Get to know NRLA Wales representative Sandra

Rent Controls in Wales - follow the evidence

As part of the agreement between Labour and Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Government has committed to looking into rent controls in Wales. This article looks at why rent controls don't work and why it would not be necessary in Wales.

Deep Insight Josh Lovell 20/06/2022
Rent Controls in Wales - follow the evidence