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Energy bill rebates and the private rented sector: NRLA puts forward landlords' case

Following coverage of claims from Shelter that landlords are not passing on the £400 energy bills rebate to tenants, the NRLA has responded on behalf of its members to challenge this misleading narrative.

Industry News Sam Hunter 05/08/2022
Energy bill rebates and the private rented sector: NRLA puts forward landlords' case

Base Rate Hike: Time for landlords to fight or take flight?

This week the Bank of England announced an interest rate increase from 1.25 to 1.75 per cent, the biggest single hike for 27 years. Here, NRLA Policy and Campaigns Director Chris Norris explores what the impact of the rise could be for landlords and the private rented sector.

Insights and Opinions Chris Norris 05/08/2022
Base Rate Hike: Time for landlords to fight or take flight?

Making Tax Digital for Landlords - Everything you Need to Know

The first part of Making Tax Digital (MTD) came into effect in the UK in April this year. Here Gemma Doswell from NRLA Recognised Supplier, TaxScouts runs through everything you need to know to ensure you are compliant.

Partners and Suppliers Gemma Doswell 04/08/2022
Making Tax Digital for Landlords - Everything you Need to Know

Airbnbs in 2022: Still a Good Investment?

Those who haven't taken the Airbnb plunge may be wondering whether it's a ship that's already sailed, especially with international travel back on the cards. Some of us have been lucky enough to dust off our passports already or are booked to fly off somewhere overseas, so where does this leave the great British staycation - and the Airbnb property investment market? NRLA Partner, Viewber, gives us their insight.

Partners and Suppliers Ed Mead 02/08/2022
Airbnbs in 2022: Still a Good Investment?

Buy to Let Market Update: August 2022

Welcome to 'Buy to Let Market', a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets written by Doug Hall of NRLA Mortgages.

Partners and Suppliers Doug Hall 01/08/2022
Buy to Let Market Update: August 2022

Three Summertime Disputes for Landlords and how to Prevent them

The British summertime is here and temperatures have been soaring! But is your tenant keeping cool? Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) looks at 3 hot weather disputes that landlords face and offers advice on how to prevent them. Read on for more.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 29/07/2022
Three Summertime Disputes for Landlords and how to Prevent them

Should I rent to students? Advice for landlords

Sandy Bastin, head of TDS Adjudication Services on renting to students and a new guide for landlords.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 28/07/2022
Should I rent to students? Advice for landlords

How to Manage Energy Bills and Meter Readings in Rented Properties

The energy crisis is looming and, as a result, many households have seen a sharp rise in their energy bills. Staying on top of these utilities isn't easy at the best of times, but it can become even more difficult for landlords and tenants if meter readings aren't managed correctly in rented properties. Recognised Supplier, Inventory Hive, tell us how to make sure energy bills don't become part of the tenancy dispute problem.

Partners and Suppliers Richard Abbots 28/07/2022
How to Manage Energy Bills and Meter Readings in Rented Properties

Next PM must tackle rental supply crisis in Yorkshire and the Humber

The next Prime Minister must tackle the supply crisis in the private rented sector in Yorkshire and the Humber if homeownership ambitions are to become a reality.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 28/07/2022
Next PM must tackle rental supply crisis in Yorkshire and the Humber

NRLA surveying members on rental reform

The NRLA is surveying members on the Government's new plans for rental reform, that were revealed last month. The NRLA is collecting the views of landlords who let property in England, including those who may live in other parts of the UK or overseas to inform its response to Government.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 26/07/2022
NRLA surveying members on rental reform