Expert opinion and insight

Expert opinion and explainer pieces, written by our Chief Executive, members our policy team as well as other experts from across the housing sector.

What could tenant hardship loans look like?

The NRLA continues to call for financial support in the sector to tackle rent arrears as a result of the pandemic. In this blog deputy campaigns and policy director Meera Chindooroy explains what this would look like for landlords and tenants, and what the NRLA is calling for.

Insights and Opinions Meera Chindooroy 12/03/2021
What could tenant hardship loans look like?

Renters Reform Bill Spotlight: Conciliation and Court Reform

What is conciliation and who would pay for it? Are the government planning to reform the courts? These are just some of the questions coming in from members, following the publication of our Renters' Reform Bill proposals. Here campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues.

Insights and Opinions Alexandra Williams 08/03/2021
Renters Reform Bill Spotlight: Conciliation and Court Reform

Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales

On the advent of the publication of the Welsh Government's Tackling fuel poverty 2021 to 2035, NRLA Wales have expressed disappointment over the lost opportunity to focus on improving the least fuel efficient dwellings and provide greater support to landlords.

Insights and Opinions Tim Thomas 08/03/2021
Blog: Tackling fuel poverty in Wales

A plan for recovery or bad news for landlords?

Paul Shamplina, Head of Property for Hamilton Fraser and Founder of Landlord Action on his hopes and expectations ahead of the budget next month.

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 22/02/2021
A plan for recovery or bad news for landlords?

Buy-to-let mortgages update: February

Welcome to Buy to Let Market, a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets. Written by Doug Hall, of NRLA mortgage partners 3mc.

Insights and Opinions Doug Hall 15/02/2021
Buy-to-let mortgages update: February

Blog: Essential evidence in a tenancy deposit dispute

Ever wondered how an adjudicator reaches their decision when dealing with a deposit dispute? Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) explains what you’ll need to support your case.

Insights and Opinions John King 05/02/2021
Blog: Essential evidence in a tenancy deposit dispute

Blog: Landlords paralysed by confusing and ever-changing eviction laws

Paul Shamplina, Head of Property for Hamilton Fraser and Founder of Landlord Action on 'confusing' eviction rules and the challenges facing landlords as we enter 2021.

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 02/02/2021
Blog: Landlords paralysed by confusing and ever-changing eviction laws

Blog: The Debt Respite Scheme

The Debt Respite Scheme, also known as breathing space, will come into force on 4th May. The scheme will ban banks and landlords from chasing tenants for unpaid debts by offering them a period of time to try to find a solution to their financial problems. In this blog published on JMW solicitors website, Dr David Smith, NRLA legal counsel writes about landlords need to know in relation to the new scheme.

Insights and Opinions Dr David Smith 20/01/2021
Blog: The Debt Respite Scheme

Blog: Pets and deposits - a landlord's guide

With more and more households taking on pets to help them through the pandemic, Sandy Bastin, Head of Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) Adjudication Services talks you through what you need to know when it comes to taking on tenants with pets - and what to do if things go wrong.

Insights and Opinions Sandy Bastin 05/01/2021
Blog: Pets and deposits - a landlord's guide

Blog: Looking ahead to 2021

In his latest blog Paul Shamplina, Head of Property for Hamilton Fraser and Founder of Landlord Action, shares his views on the next 12 months and what they will hold for landlords.

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 05/01/2021
Blog: Looking ahead to 2021