Expert opinion and insight

Expert opinion and explainer pieces, written by our Chief Executive, members our policy team as well as other experts from across the housing sector.

Blog: Renters' Reform Bill Spotlight: Student lets

What do the NRLA Renters' Reform Bill proposals say about student landlords? Here campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues and potential solutions.

Insights and Opinions Alexandra Williams 23/04/2021
Blog: Renters' Reform Bill Spotlight: Student lets

Why all parties should support a Welsh Housing Survey

In the fourth NRLA blog on our manifesto calls ahead of the 2021 Senedd election, we focus on the introduction of a Welsh Housing Survey - a campaign that is already gaining momentum.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 20/04/2021
Why all parties should support a Welsh Housing Survey

Improving homes: why the Welsh Government can't put this key priority on the back burner

In our third blog focussing on the NRLA Wales' manifesto calls ahead of the Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament election, we outline how to improve homes in the private rented sector (PRS) and why,

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 13/04/2021
Improving homes: why the Welsh Government can't put this key priority on the back burner

Minister Will Quince: How Universal Credit is improving to assist with direct payments of rent

In his first blog for the NRLA, Minister for Welfare Delivery Will Quince explains how Universal Credit is improving to assist with direct payments of rent.

Insights and Opinions Will Quince 13/04/2021
Minister Will Quince: How Universal Credit is improving to assist with direct payments of rent

Buy-to-let mortgages update April

Welcome to Buy to Let Market, a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets. Written by Doug Hall, of NRLA mortgage partners 3mc.

Insights and Opinions Doug Hall 05/04/2021
Buy-to-let mortgages update April

How the next Welsh Government can better support landlords and tenants

In the second of our series of blogs focussing on our manifesto calls ahead of the Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament election, we look at support for landlords and tenants. The NRLA is conscious of the need for a balanced approach and a private rented sector that works for all.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 06/04/2021
How the next Welsh Government can better support landlords and tenants

Renters' Reform Bill Spotlight: Possession grounds and grounds for selling

What are the new proposed possession grounds? How can I gain possession if I want to sell my property? What happens if the property doesn't sell? These are just some of the questions coming in from members, following the publication of our Renters' Reform Bill proposals. Here campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues surrounding conciliation and court reform and how the NRLA believes our proposals could operate to benefit landlords and tenants.

Insights and Opinions Alexandra Williams 01/04/2021
Renters' Reform Bill Spotlight: Possession grounds and grounds for selling

Damp, condensation and mould in properties - what landlords need to know

A common issue faced by landlords, especially in cold, winter months is damp, mould and condensation damage to their properties. Landlords need to be aware of the difference, the causes, the likely responsibility of each and how best to deal with each when they arise, to avoid disputes at the end of a tenancy.

Insights and Opinions Sandy Bastin 26/03/2021
Damp, condensation and mould in properties - what landlords need to know

Why the next Welsh Government should streamline licensing

Countdown to the Welsh election series - Our flagship call is for the current licensing system to be streamlined.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 30/03/2021
Why the next Welsh Government should streamline licensing

Managing the backlog in the courts

Last week the Government announced that the restrictions on enforcement of evictions would continue until the end of May. Deputy director of policy and campaigns Meera Chindooroy writes about NRLA proposals around how the backlog in the courts could be managed.

Insights and Opinions Meera Chindooroy 19/03/2021
Managing the backlog in the courts