Expert opinion and insight

Expert opinion and explainer pieces, written by our Chief Executive, members our policy team as well as other experts from across the housing sector.

Blog: Can under 35s qualify for the 1 bedroom rate under Universal Credit?

Universal Credit and LHA expert Bill Irvine writes about the exceptions to the under 35s rule, and the Government's "everyone in" initiative.

Insights and Opinions Bill Irvine 09/11/2020
Blog: Can under 35s qualify for the 1 bedroom rate under Universal Credit?

Rent Smart Wales: Mandatory inspections introduced

Calum Davies, NRLA Wales policy and public affairs officer on the fifth anniversary of registration and licensing scheme Rent Smart Wales, and the new rules being introduced.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 30/10/2020
Rent Smart Wales: Mandatory inspections introduced

Blog: No letting agent? What could go wrong?

In his latest blog Paul Shamplina, Head of Property for Hamilton Fraser and Founder of Landlord Action, shares his views on letting agents, after new data revealed more than half landlords now opt to self-manage.

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 20/10/2020
Blog: No letting agent? What could go wrong?

Buy to let market update: October

Welcome to Buy to Let Market, a column aimed at providing you with recent criteria and product updates within the Buy to Let lending markets. Written by Doug Hall, of NRLA mortgage partners 3mc.

Insights and Opinions Doug Hall 12/10/2020
Buy to let market update: October

Blog: Evictions - the here and now

On the day the courts reopen to hear repossession cases Paul Shamplina, Founder of Landlord Action shares his thoughts on the latest changes and what they mean for tenants.

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 21/09/2020
Blog: Evictions - the here and now

What landlords need to know about enforcing a possession order after the courts reopen

NRLA senior policy officer James Wood writes about what landlords need to know when it comes to enforcing a possession order once the evictions moratorium lifts at the weekend. Remember to register for a webinar with NRLA legal counsel David Smith about possession taking place this Monday.

Insights and Opinions James Wood 18/09/2020
What landlords need to know about enforcing a possession order after the courts reopen

BLOG: Housing high on the agenda as the Senedd returns

In its first week since the summer recess, the Welsh Parliament has seen the private rented sector (PRS) and housing take centre stage, at least for those who follow its proceedings closely. In this blog, NRLA policy officer Calum Davies explains more.

Insights and Opinions Calum Davies 17/09/2020
BLOG: Housing high on the agenda as the Senedd returns

Listen: How the eviction ban has affected one tenant during lockdown

The NRLA has heard from many landlords across the country who have shared how the extension of the evictions ban will affect them. We have also heard from some tenants about this issue. In this blog, renter Colin explains why he wants to see the eviction ban lifted.

Insights and Opinions Victoria Barker 24/08/2020
Listen: How the eviction ban has affected one tenant during lockdown

Green Homes Grants: what landlords need to know

Landlords will be able to apply for Green Homes Grants, in the form of vouchers, from the end of September. The grants will enable landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their rental properties. NRLA policy officer Gavin Dick explains more about the scheme, and how landlords can apply for a grant.

Insights and Opinions Victoria Barker 04/09/2020
Green Homes Grants: what landlords need to know

Blog: What landlords need to know about notice period changes

On Friday 28th September the Government announced significant changes to the required notice periods for Section 21 and Section 8 notices. In this blog, James Wood, NRLA Senior Policy Officer explains what landlords need to know.

Insights and Opinions James Wood 02/09/2020
Blog: What landlords need to know about notice period changes