The NRLA have partnered with Viewber to bring you a reliable solution for hosting viewings and getting inspections done at your property. One of the biggest issues when letting your property without an agent is finding time to conduct viewings, obviously an essential part of any let. Viewbers are local, reliable individuals trained and vetted to provide viewings on your behalf. There are no subscriptions, you simply book online and pay when you need the service.

Why hosted viewings and property checks?

Viewings are an unavoidable part of the letting process, but it can be a real hassle getting there at times to suit viewers and when the property is let, you'd like to know it’s being kept in good condition...

  • Are you located some distance from your property? Viewbers are local eliminating your need to travel and improving your green credentials
  • Don’t want to commit all your spare time to looking after your property? Property checks and hosted viewings take away some of the most time consuming jobs a landlord has
  • Find out if your tenants are keeping your property in good condition Avoid costly repair bills and lengthy void times between tenancies, Viewber is your extra set of eyes
  • Provide a professional appearance to your tenants Trained Viewbers acting on your behalf
  • Manage your property without an agent Save considerable costs on agent fees

Options for hosting viewings without an agent

How can you let and protect your property with support from Viewber?

Hosted Viewings 7 days a week allow you to provide almost any time for your property to be viewed, allowing you to attract maximum interest without losing your evenings and weekends.

During void periods and tenancies, are you aware of the condition of your property? Schedule one-off or routine property visits for a Viewber to check for any major issues and including photos or a live stream call whilst in the property, potentially saving you a fortune in repair bills.

Often the best investments aren’t in your local area. Use a Viewber to visit properties that are further afield and see it’s true condition and whether it matches the agents particulars, without travelling up and down the country.

An overview of what Viewber can provide...

You can avoid travelling long distances and save the associated costs/time by using Viewber’s local viewing agents to provide you with viewings and inspections. To use the service, you simply arrange a time with an interested potential tenant and then book through the Viewber dashboard, ideally with 24 hours' notice. There’s also a range of key handling solutions if you don’t have a key safe or locally available key. You can also use their 'View a property on my behalf' service to visit a potential investment property and provide you with a report consisting of unbiased photographs, videos and opinion on the real condition of a property and it's surroundings.


Services Total
Viewings (per 2 parties in 30 minutes) £35+VAT
Open Houses – 30 minutes to 8 hours From £35+VAT
Routine or One-Off Property Visits & Checks From £43+VAT
View a property on my behalf From £48+VAT


To ensure you fully understand exactly what Viewber is offering, and how it can help you manage your portfolio more effectively and economically, it's important you visit Viewber.

Useful Documents

Viewber Fire Door and Asset Checks

276.16 KB

Ben Beadle talks to Ed Mead


Landlords: Are your Tenants in it for the Long Haul?

The Tenant Fee Act is now three years old as of June 1st 2022. This seismic introduction to the letting industry has changed the way many landlords approach buy-to-let, especially those using a managing agent. NRLA partner Viewber gives us their insight.

Partners and Suppliers Ed Mead 07/06/2022
Landlords: Are your Tenants in it for the Long Haul?