Industry News Sanjeev Shetty 12/07/2024

Common ground on students as NRLA meets with London housing boss

The inclusion of a potential possession ground for student landlords as part of rental reform plans could poentially be backed by the Greater London Authority (GLA).   

NRLA Policy Director Chris Norris met with GLA’s housing deputy mayor Tom Copley this week to discuss the future of the private rented sector (PRS) and potential reforms, following Labour’s overwhelming election victory last week.

The wide-ranging meeting covered a range of key areas for landlords and both the NRLA and the GLA have agreed to continue a regular dialogue. 

On the agenda were discussions on appropriate notice periods for various posession grounds which may be introduced by the government, issues regarding homes from the PRS being converted into short term lets and the retrofit challenge - with new energy efficency targets set to be announced by the Government.

The GLA confirmed there will be scope to work with the NRLA on this issue, with the hope of making life easier for landlords and tenants. 

The PRS has been in a state of limbo after the Conservative Party’s Renters (Reform) Bill fell when the election was called, with both the NRLA and the GLA agreeing the swift reintroduction of the Bill is a priority, so that landlords and tenants know where they stand and can plan for the future.

Commenting on the meeting, Chris Norris said: "Although there are issues about which the GLA and NRLA are unlikly to agree, it is reassuring that there is so much common ground between us.

"It is more important than ever that landlords' voices are heard as part of a constructive dialogue with policy makers around the country. London, as the city with the largest community of private-renters in the UK, is no exception to this and I look forward to working with the deputy mayor and his team on our shared goal of developing and sustaining a healthy private-rented sector."  

More information

The NRLA has a series of meetings planned with senior figures within the new government. For more information keep an eye on our news site and social media channels and sign up for our weekly newsletter.

Sanjeev Shetty

Sanjeev Shetty Content and Communications Officer

Sanj is a Content and Communications Officer for the NRLA, writing across the NRLA's communications channels. He has more than 25 years of writing experience, building a diverse portfolio of work which includes drafting speeches for London Mayor Sadiq Khan and scripts for TV presenter Dan Walker while working for the BBC.

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