Press releases

New 'golden rules' to sustain tenancies

New golden rules to sustain tenancies in the rental market have been published ahead of the courts beginning to hear possession cases from Monday. The rules, drafted by the NRLA, form a central part of measures announced by the Government to ensure courts can start to process possession cases following a six-month ban. If landlords fail to follow the rules, they run the risk of cases being adjourned by the courts for a potentially lengthy period of time, in some cases with no rent being paid.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 17/09/2020
New 'golden rules' to sustain tenancies

Rent Controls would be a disaster for London renters

Proposals by the Mayor of London for rent controls in the capital would be a disaster for tenants. As Sadiq Khan once again seeks the powers to introduce them, the National Residential Landlords Association is pointing to a report published by The Treasury in 2010 under the last Labour Government, of which the Mayor was a member.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 16/09/2020
Rent Controls would be a disaster for London renters

Almost a quarter of landlords surveyed lose rent due to Covid-19

ALMOST a quarter (22 per cent) of private landlords with properties in England surveyed have lost rental income as a result of COVID-19 according to new polling.The research, conducted online by YouGov for the NRLA, found that whilst 19 per cent of those questioned had lost up to half of their usual rental income as a result of COVID-19, three per cent had lost more than half.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/09/2020
Almost a quarter of landlords surveyed lose rent due to Covid-19

England trailing rest of UK in support for renters and landlords

The Scottish Government has today announced it has developed an interest free, hardship loan scheme to support renters to pay-off COVID-related rent arrears. It comes weeks after a similar scheme was announced in Wales.

Industry News Victoria Barker 01/09/2020
England trailing rest of UK in support for renters and landlords

BREAKING: Landlords welcome clarity on possession cases- but the courts must open

Ministers have today made important concessions about how repossession cases in the rental market will be handled from 20th September. It follows extensive lobbying by the National Residential Landlords Association after the Government U-turned on its plan for such cases to be heard again from 23rd August.

Industry News Victoria Barker 28/08/2020
BREAKING: Landlords welcome clarity on possession cases- but the courts must open

Landlords face two years without rent

The Governments plans to extend the evictions ban could leave private landlords without any rent for up to two years. In a letter to the Prime Minister, the NRLA has said that the Government is asking landlords to subsidise struggling renters and rewarding those who are wilfully refusing to pay their rent.

Industry News Victoria Barker 27/08/2020
Landlords face two years without rent

Fury as evictions ban extended and new six month notice rule brought in

The evictions ban has been extended until September 20, with new six-month notice periods introduced. The NRLA is still awaiting official confirmation by the government, but has branded such a move totally unacceptable. It is now calling for a comprehensive package of financial support to help landlords.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 21/08/2020
Fury as evictions ban extended and new six month notice rule brought in

Mayor stoking tensions between tenants and landlords

The Mayor of London is causing needless fear for renters as he wrongly assumes that everyone in arrears due to COVID-19 is at threat of eviction.The NRLA has accused the Mayor of scaremongering when he claims that up to a quarter of tenants are in arrears and under threat of eviction.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 14/08/2020
Mayor stoking tensions between tenants and landlords

Tenant survey dispels fears of eviction surge

OVER 95% of private tenants are paying their rent or have made an arrangement with their landlord to pay less rent or defer payment during the pandemic according to a new survey of tenants out today.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/08/2020
Tenant survey dispels fears of eviction surge

BREAKING: NRLA victory as Welsh Government brings in tenant loans

Loans to pay off rent arrears built during the coronavirus pandemic will now be available to tenants in Wales following a campaign by the NRLA. The new Tenancy Saver Loans scheme, which will apply to the Private Rented Sector only, will allow tenants to borrow money to cover the arrears they have built, with the cash paid directly to the landlord or agent.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 11/08/2020
BREAKING: NRLA victory as Welsh Government brings in tenant loans