Press releases

Year long contracts to be made mandatory by the Welsh Government

Landlords in Wales will soon be unable to regain possession of their property for at least 12 months under a new law announced today. The new law applies unless a tenant breaches the terms of their contract. For example if they are committing antisocial behaviour or are in rent arrears, or if a tenant decides to leave.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/02/2020
Year long contracts to be made mandatory by the Welsh Government

Landlords welcome calls for benefit boost for tenants

Landlords have supported calls from the Mayor of London to ensure the benefits system covers the cost of private rents for those tenants adversely affected by coronavirus. Sadiq Khan is calling on the government to introduce a new "triple lock"of measures aimed at protecting private renters.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 22/04/2020
Landlords welcome calls for benefit boost for tenants

Landlords call for package to support tenants hit by coronavirus

The country's leading landlord organisations are calling for a package of measures from Government and mortgage lenders to support tenants and landlords affected by the coronavirus.

Industry News Victoria Barker 16/03/2020
Landlords call for package to support tenants hit by coronavirus

Sunak cuts housing support

Industry News Sally Walmsley 25/11/2020
Sunak cuts housing support

Government plan rewards rent dodgers

New regulations published today will mean tenants can build almost 18 months of rent arrears without any sanction.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 16/11/2020
Government plan rewards rent dodgers

Young forced to choose between rent debt and health

Young people are being forced to choose between racking up rent debts and risking their health due to rules limiting what they can claim for housing benefit.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/11/2020
Young forced to choose between rent debt and health

Lockdown: Government clarifies position on possession cases

The Government has provided important clarification about the enforcement of possession cases during the second national lockdown. In a letter to the High Court Enforcement Officers Association the Justice Secretary, Robert Buckland, has confirmed that during the lockdown there will be no enforcement of Possession Orders except for the most serious cases.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 05/11/2020
Lockdown: Government clarifies position on possession cases

Landlord confidence falls amidst Covid pandemic

Almost two thirds of private landlords in England and Wales expect their rental business to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic according to new research.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/10/2020
Landlord confidence falls amidst Covid pandemic

Local furlough cash not enough for struggling renters

The NRLA has renewed calls for a financial support package for landlords and tenants in the wake of the Chancellor’s announcement on furlough schemes in local lockdown areas.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 09/10/2020
Local furlough cash not enough for struggling renters

Prime Minister wrong on rented housing

The Prime Minister is wrong to believe that those in private rented housing are unable to turn the properties they live in into a home of their own. The implication - in his speech today to the Conservative Party Conference - flies in the face of a previous survey of tenants.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 06/10/2020
Prime Minister wrong on rented housing