Press releases

Next PM must tackle rental supply crisis in Yorkshire and the Humber

The next Prime Minister must tackle the supply crisis in the private rented sector in Yorkshire and the Humber if homeownership ambitions are to become a reality.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 28/07/2022
Next PM must tackle rental supply crisis in Yorkshire and the Humber

New PM must address rental housing supply crisis

The next Prime Minister must address the supply crisis in the private rented sector if homeownership ambitions are to become a reality.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 15/07/2022
New PM must address rental housing supply crisis

Survey: More than half of landlords and agents unable to recoup pet damage costs

A recent survey conducted by the NRLA, ARLA Propertymark, Landlord Zone and East Midlands pet charity AdvoCATS, reveals the true extent of damage that can be caused by pets in rented accommodation.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 05/07/2022
Survey: More than half of landlords and agents unable to recoup pet damage costs

Chickens come home to roost as government consults on holiday lets

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association responded to the publication today of the Government's reviews regarding the role of short term holiday lets in relation to the UK's housing market.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 29/06/2022
Chickens come home to roost as government consults on holiday lets

Renters and Landlords face perfect storm as benefit freeze bites

Over 820,000 private rented households in Britain experience a shortfall between their housing benefit payment and their monthly rents.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 08/06/2022
Renters and Landlords face perfect storm as benefit freeze bites

Welsh Government delays implementation of Renting Homes Wales Act

The Welsh Government has announced that the implementation of the Renting Homes Wales Act will be delayed until 1 December 2022. Our Chief Executive Ben Beadle provides the NRLA's response to this news.

Industry News Sam Hunter 31/05/2022
Welsh Government delays implementation of Renting Homes Wales Act

NRLA calls for property passports to crackdown on sub-standard housing

The NRLA has published its response to the Government's proposal to extend the Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector. In its response, the NRLA suggests that 'property passports' could be introduced to help landlords demonstrate their properties are compliant with regulations.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 24/05/2022
NRLA calls for property passports to crackdown on sub-standard housing

Minister to Address National Landlords Conference

The Minister for the Private Rented Sector, Eddie Hughes MP, will be the keynote speaker at the inaugural National Landlord Conference on Tuesday 15th November.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 19/05/2022
Minister to Address National Landlords Conference

Possession grounds to be strengthened as end of Section 21 in sight

Plans to abolish Section 21 repossessions will be brought forward it has been confirmed in the Queen's Speech today. NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle has welcomed the Government's commitment to tackling arrears and antisocial behaviour and will continue to lobby Ministers to ensure other grounds for possessions are fair.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/05/2022
Possession grounds to be strengthened as end of Section 21 in sight

Tax Hit to Rental Housing Undermines Government's Home Ownership Ambitions

Government efforts to dampen investment in rental housing are fuelling a supply crisis according to BVA/BDRC research analysed by the NRLA.

Industry News Sam Hunter 05/05/2022
Tax Hit to Rental Housing Undermines Government's Home Ownership Ambitions