Latest Articles

The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

Research lays bare failure to tackle criminal landlords

TWO thirds of English councils have prosecuted no landlords for offences related to standards in or the management of private rented housing over the last three years.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 12/11/2021
Research lays bare failure to tackle criminal landlords

The enforcement lottery: criminal prosecutions and local authorities

Following on from previous research into civil penalty usage by local authorities, the NRLA looks at criminal prosecution rates across the local authorities in England.

Special Report Samantha Watkin 10/11/2021
The enforcement lottery: criminal prosecutions and local authorities

Sage advice from landlord Frank

When NRLA member Frank Mason began to jot down some notes for his daughter-in-law little did he know his memo would take six months to write and become a published book.

Member Stories Sally Walmsley 10/11/2021
Sage advice from landlord Frank

Call for case studies to highlight interventions on homes and health

The Healthy Places team in the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is looking for examples of interventions in housing that can have a positive impact on health, and landlords are being invited to share their experiences.

Industry News Victoria Barker 10/11/2021
Call for case studies to highlight interventions on homes and health

Call of the Week: Tackling condensation

We recently helped a member learn more about what they can do as a landlord to tackle the issue of condensation in their rental property.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 09/11/2021
Call of the Week: Tackling condensation

Life after lockdown and tackling anti-social behaviour

Paul Shamplina of Landlord Action writes about life after lockdown and tackling anti-social behaviour

Insights and Opinions Paul Shamplina 09/11/2021
Life after lockdown and tackling anti-social behaviour

Private landlords forced to rely on savings to cover lost rental income

Today the NRLA releases figures from research conducted with BVA/BDRC which reveals the extent to which private landlords have been forced to rely on their own savings to cover rental losses incurred as a result of the pandemic.

Industry News Sam Hunter 05/11/2021
Private landlords forced to rely on savings to cover lost rental income

NRLA holds inaugural AGM

The NRLA will hold its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, November 30. The AGM will offer the opportunity to reflect on the company's performance during its first 12 months and will include a report from Chief Executive Ben Beadle and the presentation of the company's Annual Review and Annual Report and Accounts for 2021.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 03/11/2021
NRLA holds inaugural AGM

Mediation can solve rent arrears in days

Mike Morgan, Legal Division Manager at Hamilton Fraser explains how mediation can be used to solve problems with rent arrears.

Insights and Opinions Mike Morgan 03/11/2021
Mediation can solve rent arrears in days

Mid tenancy solutions: How to prevent issues threatening the continuation of a tenancy

Insights and Opinions Sandy Bastin 02/11/2021
Mid tenancy solutions: How to prevent issues threatening the continuation of a tenancy